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Where to Invest Spare Money in 2022?


A person has many dreams to fulfill in their entire life, and money plays a huge role in making them real. You may have some short terms, mid-terms, and long-term money requirements. But the spare fund isn’t enough to increase its value by keeping it at a place. You need to rotate it smartly to get good returns. If you see the graph of inflation, the price of services and products are increasing day by day. To battle with the situation, here are some intelligent ways to invest spare money in 2022.

But before taking any steps towards investment, you must understand the risks involved in it.

3 Types of Investments

Low-Risk Investment

When you are investing some money in a low-risksaving plan,you won’t lose a single penny at the time of withdrawal. You can even pull out the money anytime, anywhere due toflexible terms and conditions.

Bank saving account, government bonds, Fixed Deposit (FD),Life Insurance, PPF (Public Provident Fund), etc., are some examples of low-risk investment plans.

Medium Risk Investment

Moderate level risk plans are those where you put your fund by accepting the fluctuation of its value.The medium-level investment can give you good returns based on the market performance. However, there are some terms and conditions that you must abide by to get full benefits. Otherwise, you may lose a huge portion of the invested fund.

Mutual funds, dynamic bonds, debt funds, corporate bonds, convertible bonds, real estate are some examples of moderate or medium-risk investment plans.

High-Risk Investment

Higher-risk investment plans are something that can either multiply your money quite a lot of times or can do it zero. The people who are at an early stage of financial planning will have the guts to tolerate the high risky investments rather than the people whose retirements are knocking on the door.

Share market, cryptocurrencies, spread betting, plying slots online, high yield bonds, and venture capital are some examples of high-risk investment schemes.

The Recap

If you have limited funds as spare money, you should invest partially in some short-termand long-term schemes that involve a moderate risk. In another case, if you have enough money and a desire to maximize it in a short possible time, high-risk plans can be ideal with the backup of some long-term guaranteed returns.

11 Smart Ways to Invest Your Spare Money In 2022

Fixed Deposit (FD)

Fixed deposit is the safest money investment plan that assures you to get guaranteed returns with an ideal interest rate. The flexible duration with FD helps you to monetize your dead funds from a week to 3 or 5 years.

Bank Bonds

Most of the private and government banks ask the users to invest in their bonds to raise money. Bank bonds are the lowest risk investment scheme where you can get a guaranteed return from the bank with the interest rate once or twice a year.

Life Insurance

To financially secure your life uncertainty, investing in insurance is a nice option.Mostly, the insurance institutions offerlong-term plans where you need to invest every year for a predefined duration. Further, you will start getting assured returns with some interest, and after maturity, you also get the sum assured.

Mutual Fund

Mutual funds are moderate-level investment plans where your money is dividedinto two segments; one in the stock market and another in lending.By choosing the right long-termmutual funds, you can get ideal returns with the present inflammation rate at the time.


Bitcoins, Ethereum, USDC, Tether, etc., are such cryptocurrencies that aregetting popular in this decade. Investing your spare money in cryptocurrencies and the spare market is highly risky. But with the support of the right financial advisor and some patience, it could be easy to get justified returns.

Private Lending

Giving your spare fund as a loan to bankers, individuals, or small business owners is another way to earn interest. However, it involves moderate risk, yet you can give your money to the private lenders with dually signed legal documentation.

Real Estate

With the aim to multiply your capital in the long term, investing in real estate involved low-risk.You can utilize your spare money to purchase a storage house, farmhouse, parking lot, or similar property to give them on rent. You can even buy the huge plots and resale them with demanded constructions on the land.

Purchase Expensive Items to Rent

If yourbudget doesn’t allow you to go for big investments, the brilliant idea is to buy some expensive products. For instance, DJ (Disk Jockey) Floors, vehicle, jewelry, micro-oven, double door refrigerator, office furniture, printing machine, solar panels, formal and party dresses, and computers, are just a few names. You can purchase other similar items that could be handy and affordable for the people to hireon rent.


You aren’t unaware of the usage of the internet and how this digital era is giving quick solutions to every individual. Millions of blogs are helping people to solve thousands of problems from personal to professional life.

You can take blogging as the risk-free investment plan that can multiply your capital within a couple of years if worked smartly. It may sound weird, but people are actually minting the money through blogging.

The internet is filled with content to learn how to blog and monetize it. With reference to that, you can go for DIY blogging or hire a team of freelancers to do everything on your behalf.

Buy and Sell Domains

Similar to real estate, buying and selling domains is the digital trend to invest your money for an unexpected return. With brilliant analysis skill research, you can find out the list of potential domains and book them to sell out at a higher rate in the coming days.

Start New Business

Business needs a lot of contribution, dedication, and strategy to start and bring it in front of the market.If you want to do something out of the box, investing your spare money in 2022 in a digital store, e-commerce website, or service-based industry could be the perfect place. Because once it gets popular, there isn’t any limit to maximizing your fund.