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Tips to eat smart and avoid weight gain during Diwali

Ahead of the long Diwali holiday, dinner parties are sure to be amidst excursions, guest visits and other celebrations. Often, we end up indulging in sweets and other sinful foods, feeling guilty and looking for easy and quick ways to lose the extra pounds. You end up relying on the wrong method to drop a lot of weight, which also has a yo-yo effect. But don’t worry! Here are some health tips to help you eat smart on Diwali.

Enjoy the wonderful Diwali festival. These tips will help you celebrate a happier, healthier and guilt-free Diwali! Let us know in the comments below if these tips helped.

Learn more about healthy living sane reading Or sign up for personalized coaching here and get tips directly from your GOQii coach.

#BeTheForce Tips to eat smart and avoid weight gain during Diwali

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