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Zack Snyder Teases ‘Full Circle’ Darkside Project

Save dates: April 28th, 29th, 30th.

Whatever it is, it has to do with Darkseid, the megavillain of DC Comics who appeared in Justice League (and actually many more Zack Snyder’s Justice League).according to snyder In a video he posted on his Twitter account, he claimed it was an “incoming communication from Lord Darkseid,” using the hashtag “#full circle” will be released at the end of next month, April 28-30.

You can watch Snyder’s mystery reveal video below.

read more: The words of Ben Affleck Justice League It was a ‘worst experience’

So what is it?Snyder hasn’t worked on a DC project since completing the director’s cut Justice League Since then, a new co-CEO has been appointed to DC Studios, which recently announced a slew of movies and TV series that will launch a new interconnected DC universe. This is different from the “DCEU” led by Snyder.from man of steel upon. The new universe will feature its own Superman and Batman not played by Henry Cavill or Ben Affleck. So it’s not entirely clear how Snyder would fit into all of that, even if he wanted to: Snyder is currently working on a Netflix original of his sci-fi movie. rebellion month.

Additionally, he didn’t say he would tune in at a specific time on a specific date for a special announcement. He promoted the event over his three days. So some speculate that there will be some kind of “SnyderCon” in those few days. (From April 28th to he’s the 30th is a weekend, so that theory makes a little more sense. Most of the cons occur on weekends).

maximum change in Zack Snyder’s Justice League

https://screencrush.com/zack-snyder-full-circle/ Zack Snyder Teases ‘Full Circle’ Darkside Project

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