Home Games The dangers of wrong selection of bets in online roulette

The dangers of wrong selection of bets in online roulette


The most famous gambling game is online roulette. Most players are so addicted to roulette that they do not recognize any casino games and do not think about the dangers that are possible during the gameplay of the excellent game of roulette online.

Online Roulette – bets

In this game, bets are carried out in two ways:

  • Method one. During a new roulette spin, you can change your bets. This can be changing colors, even and odd or columns. Also, it is possible to choose a new number. The essence of the game remains the same and each time it is necessary to change the numbers on which the bet is made.
  • The second method. The bet is made on specific numbers. To have a better chance of winning, it is worth betting on a larger number of numbers. For example, one of the chips is placed on the “red” and two chips should be placed on the first and second column. Then the player can simply use the “rebet” button with each new spin of the roulette wheel, so the bet will simply be repeated, and you won’t lose a lot of money if one of the bets will not be played.

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The psychology of the roulette game

During the game, all players rely on different strategies. For example, throughout the game, there is the possibility of a return of spent money and an increase in the bankroll if the bet made right. But no strategy will give you a win-win guarantee of a win. In any case, part of the bets will return to the owners of the casino. Roulette as any other casino game relies on a luck factor. So, it is important to be able to stop in time, even with a “winning” tactics.A person’s psychology cannot allow them to be aware every time throughout the game. Sooner or later, you will relax and make a bad decision.

Why you should avoid using the “rebet” button most of the time

This button precisely what makes online roulette so dangerous. To avoid losing, you simply need to play consciously and control the entire game. If luck is not smiling upon you, there is no need to continue the game. You can simply stop playing and the money will be saved, don’t click Rebet button, just stop.

It is best to keep an eye on how the game is going, and change bets periodically, rather than making the same bet each time with Rebetbutton.

Additional bets. Why they should be treated carefully

This is another dangerous aspect of online gambling. The essence of additional bets is that a separate chip is put on a certain bet and the winnings in case the roulette wheel hits it will be large. Computer versions of roulette games usually contain such programs that remember all bets and offer an additional bet used earlier. Therefore, you should keep track of all your bets made or else you will place bets on numbers which have lower chances to hit.

How to avoid the dangers of losing your bankroll in the game of roulette?

The most important point is to keep track of your bankroll balance. When a person switches off his consciousness, he no longer keeps track of the money he has. To avoid this, you should be careful with additional bets and try not to use the “rebet” button to often. It is possible to use tactics and change bets or play just for fun, without applying strategies, but tracking your bankroll is a must anyway.

During each game, you can determine for yourself the number of roulette spins and the number of bets. You should also set aside a certain amount of money that can be deposited in the game. When the allotted number of spins happens, you need to check your bankroll and decide whether to continue playing or not.

If you follow these recommendations, it will be possible to avoid the dangers of online roulette. The bankroll will be under control and the pleasure of the game will be greater.