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Redfall maintains ‘Arkane DNA’ despite breaking the mold

Redfall – Bethesda also ensures that physical copies of the game come with discs (Photo: Microsoft)

Arkane intentionally wants to try something new with Redfall, but vows to keep what fans loved in other games.

From the moment it was announced, Arkane’s upcoming shooter red fall We quickly made comparisons to Left 4 Dead due to its focus on co-op play. The only significant difference is the use of vampires instead of zombies.

new information from Recent Xbox Showcasebut downplaying those comparisons, Arkane emphasized an open world full of side missions and the ability to play the entire game solo.

This makes Redfall more similar. ubisoft‘s Far Cry game and it’s the first time Arkane has tackled an open world formula, but the studio wants Redfall to retain the “Arkane DNA” that fans of previous games recognize while doing something new. I promise

Aside from sharing a few minutes of new gameplay footage, Redfall production designer Ben Horne explains that the game has always featured an open-world setting, in an effort to “break the mold.” said.

At the same time, the studio wanted to keep the elements they liked from the previous games. dishonorable and prey.

“We wanted to create something that had the Arkane DNA that we made in past games,” Horne said. IGN.

“You can think of all these games like a Venn diagram, where there are really important areas or important areas that overlap that you like to tell stories in games, and you want to make games that have a rich and coherent story. I think you can take advantage of them and take advantage of them, perhaps in some surprising ways.

So while Arkane focused heavily on Dishonored’s stealth elements, Redfall’s main focus is world-building and narrative. As such, Horne says Redfall’s open-world setting will be Arkane’s most ambitious yet.

“We wanted to keep things about Arkane’s DNA that we love, things about past games that we really appreciate: environmental storytelling, a powerful kind of storytelling in the world. ‘s throughput makes the world feel alive and worth preserving,” he continues.

Horne also touched on the inclusion of multiplayer. Despite being heavily promoted during Redfall’s reveal, Horne has made it clear that Arkane aims to accommodate multiple playstyles.

“When you play single player in Redfall, you’re playing alone,” he explains.

Even if you choose to play with others, Horne reveals that they can split into different parts of the game and work on them separately. There is

“It’s a really cool system that lets players express how they want to play with their friends. We encourage people to come together,” says Horn.

Horn has unfortunately not commented Required internet connection for Redfallwhich does not quite match Arkane’s intentions for the game.

Aside from the fact that it means players have to be online all the time, even if they don’t want to play with other players, it means that the entire game is unplayable if the online servers shut down.

Redfall also sparked controversy for not offering A physical disc containing a physical copy of the game And a piece of paper with a download code written on it.

However, publisher Bethesda has since its website At least in the standard version of the game on Xbox, this is not the case.

Redfall launches May 2nd for Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/20/redfall-will-maintain-the-arkane-dna-despite-breaking-the-mould-18314637/ Redfall maintains 'Arkane DNA' despite breaking the mold

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