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Pros and cons of online education


Education is an important part of our life. However, is it a difference between study online and offline? We can use new technologies like using apps or thesis statement checker in both cases. We want to highlight the main problems and benefits of education through Internet.


A unique opportunity to adjust the pace of learning for yourself

Most often, the house has a predictable and calm atmosphere. The student develops his own rhythm and follows it without additional worries, whether he will have time for something or not. Some were given more time to solve math equations, some were quicker to write problems in English, and were given extra time to study another topic or physical activity in depth. It is possible to feel how cool it is when the rhythm is formed not by the school bell and breaks between lessons, but by you.

You can identify and work on your child’s weaknesses while learning

Methodologically strong online lessons, the work of students on special educational platforms transparently show a picture in which subjects the child orients brilliantly, and where there are significant gaps. This may come as a surprise to parents who have previously voiced dissatisfaction with the school as a whole or with teachers about the child’s lack of success in a particular field of knowledge.

And parents can observe their child and determine how attentive the child is during learning. Or, conversely, scattered and unable to concentrate for a long time, which negatively affects the end result. Problem points should not only be identified, but also worked out immediately. Full-time education does not allow to reveal such hidden problems: the teacher often does not see this due to the large number of wards.

The study is more effective

When something is unclear, children at school are often embarrassed to ask the teacher to explain the material again. This is not a problem on the Internet: a child can listen to a lesson or part of it as many times as needed to consolidate knowledge. Tests that can be taken several times help to consolidate what has been learned. In addition, the student can return to the material presented in the online format at any time to update the memory of specific dates, facts, rules. It is especially convenient to do this if these materials are in the form of slides, presentations or audio format, when you can return to any second of the lecture.


Lack of socialization and belonging to the community

Much of what we learn from childhood comes through peer-to-peer learning. Growing up and belonging to a social group is a crucial component of becoming a teenager. On the Internet, they seem to be deprived of it.

In everyday life, children learn teamwork, conflict resolution and effective interaction with each other. In terms of distance learning, they do not have many opportunities to acquire soft skills, which are in the first place among the skills of the XXI century.

Gadgetization of life

Usually lessons at school last from 8 to 14, and then the children are waiting for electives, sports sections. Quarantine forced students to sit in front of monitors for days, which negatively affects vision. Even taking into account breaks for engines and rest. Ophthalmologists do not recommend children to be near the screens for more than two hours a day. In addition, after learning, children immediately switch to entertaining content in gadgets – it has become an ingrained habit for many. Therefore, the lifespan of gadgets is almost doubled.

Given these realities, doctors are alarmed and emphasize that the unformed skeleton of the child is not suitable for prolonged sitting. To strengthen, he needs constant exercise.

And the home space is full of distractions: access to TV, toys. It is difficult to organize yourself, especially for younger children. In the same room they sleep at night, study during the day, play in the evening. Nothing changes, attention is distracted, procrastination intensifies.

Not enough practice

We all perceive and assimilate information differently. There are audials, visuals, discrete, kinesthetics. Studies show that most children are kinesthetics who learn about the world through practical experience. For the most part, there is no practice online – just data that needs to be somehow processed and assimilated. And it is good when the teacher tries to explain the topic. But we know a lot of cases where children are simply dropped the paragraph number and page, and they go through the material themselves. When something is not clear and there is no opportunity to ask the teacher, not every student will go to explore the topic. Hence the gaps in education.