Home Entertainment I Want to Become a Dermatologist. How?

I Want to Become a Dermatologist. How?


Let’s play a little game: which field of medicine is most popular with youths from across the world? Additionally, can you guess why? If the title wasn’t clear yet, it is undoubtedly the field of dermatology – the one that deals with the treatment of skin conditions (like acne!).

Your typical teenager or young adult is most likely not especially keen on visiting any doctor, let alone an actual, medical professional. But if there’s any physician they’ll want to visit out of their own initiative, it’s probably a dermatologist. And I’m mostly talking about acne – the bane of teenagers.

If you’re considering becoming a dermatologist or would simply like to find out more about what dermatology entails and what a physician working in the field is expected to do, then I’ve written this article to help get you up to speed.

Besides, there are always a huge amount of available dermatology jobs in California, so you won’t have any difficulties scoring a position. Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

What Is Dermatology?

If you have no clue what the “derma” in “tology” means, then I don’t blame you. The word is derived from the Greek word “dermatos,” which means “skin,” and “logia” which means science. Therefore, dermatology deals with the science of the skin and is the field of medicine that covers the treatment and diagnoses of related health conditions.

Skin-related conditions aren’t the only ones dermatology covers. Nail-related conditions are also covered as well. Some examples of relatively common conditions are dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, or vitiligo, neither of which are pleasant to deal with.

A physician that has specialized in dermatology is unsurprisingly called a dermatologist. They can choose further specialization if they pursue, although the wide majority deals with the general conditions of their field.

If you’re going to be affected by any of the aforementioned conditions – or if you have a child with acne – then you’re going to visit a family physician first to get a reference to the dermatologist, who can help treat your conditions.

It is fortunate that medicine has become so advanced and available, as, in the past, most of these conditions made life very uncomfortable and difficult, especially since the skin is the largest – and also the most exposed – organ on the body. It’s therefore important for a variety of reasons, such as helping to regulate body temperature or protect us from disease-bearing pathogens.

How Do I Become a Dermatologist?

A budding physician must first go through four years of college before being eligible for medical school, which is very difficult to get into. Since a lot of young people want to become doctors, you will have to deal with very sharp and talented competition.

Assuming you’ve got what it takes, and that you live in the United States, then you’re also expected to make an investment of about $200,000 for medical school admission. To make matters worse, a lot of students drop out of med school before completion due to stress.

Medical school takes four years (and a lot of brainpower) to finish. Once you’ve finished college and medical school, you will have to take residency with a more experienced physician that can properly brief you in on the tricks of the trade. This will also take an additional three years.

Once that’s done, you will finally be able to set off on your independent self. That’s arguably where your career starts in earnest. Fortunately, if you’ve gotten that far, then the rewards will start coming at breakneck speed, among which are a high salary, moral satisfaction, and additional work benefits.

Not only that but physicians are known to be close-knit. You will also make lifelong friends.

Protect the Skin

Depending on whether you’re curious about dermatology, are affected by a skin or nail-related condition, or would like to become a specialist physician, it cannot be argued that dermatology is a highly important field without which we’d be greatly disadvantaged. Dermatologists are known to have very high levels of job satisfaction – is it any wonder?