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Know your risk of heart disease

Periodically, we come across terms like “cardiovascular” and “cardiac”. Few people fully understand what cardiovascular disease is.

Cardiovascular disease accounts for high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Certain risk factors are extremely important for heart disease in humans. Risk factors fall into two her categories:

8 simple steps to keep your heart healthy.

It’s never too late or too early to improve your heart health.

Adopt the following healthy lifestyle habits to reduce your chances of developing heart disease.

  • quit smoking
  • exercise regularly
  • eat heart-healthy food
  • stay active
  • limit alcohol intake
  • Take care of your mental health and stress.
  • manage high blood pressure and cholesterol to manage diabetes.

Regular checkups can help identify early signs of heart-related problems.

Good Heart Health – Good Heart Life. Know your risk of heart disease

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