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Games Inbox: Will there be Half-Life 3?

Half-Life 2 – Could There Be Another? (Photo: Valve)

THURSDAY LETTER PAGES THINK Xbox One Reader Has A Hard Time, So We Should Allow Call Of Duty To Be Exclusive resident evil 6.

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no answer
When people started thinking about this year’s The Game Awards and thinking about what new games would be announced, the first thing that came to my mind was the one they could guarantee never to announce: Half. -Life 3.

but why? Why is Valve like this? People have been asking for it for decades at this point, so I know there’s no point in asking that question, but it defies all sense. These are the kind of people who make it look like… But I don’t know why.

Gabe Newell does interviews and stuff, so he’s not as secretive as a rock star. I haven’t played it because I need VR, but I understand that continuing with Half-Life 3 resets the end of the story. It’s very complicated to get into, but after that… nothing.

Asking the question if there will be a Half-Life 3, based on probability, I have to say the answer is sadly no.

last generation sequel
I think I’m almost halfway through God of War Ragnarok, but I don’t really feel it. It all looks pretty and works well, but I feel like I’ve seen it all before.It’s not just the last game.

Everything feels very dated as you can tell the levels were designed for the PlayStation 4.

But the PlayStation 4 version was announced quite late, so I’m not sure. At the time, I thought Sony was only hinting at a last-minute cross-gen decision due to PlayStation 5 inventory issues. But that’s not right, right?

I’m sure they’ll never say for sure, but whatever’s going on, I’m not interested in playing the game, I’m interested in seeing a true next-gen sequel. I have.

forced to innovate
Well, there’s no way Microsoft would buy Activision Blizzard just for Candy Crush. If you said that from the beginning, I’m half in doubt, but is it only now that it’s becoming more difficult to be allowed to take over? no.

That said, I don’t care if Microsoft bought them to be exclusive to Call of Duty. why shouldn’t they? What they are wasting is their money. Sony would be forced to create a competitor and they might come up with something better, so I welcome it being exclusive.

An excuse to get these companies to actually do something new. Of course, I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t really care about Call of Duty, but still, that’s my opinion.

Email your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk

leisurely battle
I love Bayonetta 3 and beat her last night. Great all the way to the end, and indeed even beyond. My absolute favorite bit was the boss fight with Mrs. Butterfly as a giant monkey homunculus hovers in the clouds. And yes, it’s a real thing that actually happens.

The level of imagination and the level that I just couldn’t give a fig of about this game is off scale and I love it. I would like to commend you for providing the

I haven’t played Elden Ring yet, so it’s definitely the game of the year. Except in my head, I’m pretty sure it can’t be beat either.

GC: That bit is great. Monkey is a reference to the Monkey King from Journey to the West.

Only one thing
RE: It’s cool and I don’t replay the game. I am exactly the same. I want to leave that experience behind because I’m afraid that once I play it, no matter how great it is, the second time will be memorable.

Elden Ring is a great example. Also, the playthrough put him 250 hours into it and I was going to play it again, but actually I’m happy with one great experience, at least so far.

It’s the same as reading a book. Even if you like it, I don’t think you’ve read it more than once. Some movies I’ve seen many times, but often just because they’re on TV and I’m passively consuming them.

It’s certainly interesting!

Expected award
It’s been less than a month now and I’m starting to wonder what next month’s The Game Awards will be like. I’m not a fan of it, but basically it turned into what E3 used to be in terms of number of announcements. But hey, it’s progress for you.

I’m really hoping for news about an Elden Ring DLC, but it hasn’t been hinted at or leaked yet, so I don’t know how likely it is. , I think the possibility is very high. Hopefully that Transformers game too.

Zelda: I think it’s a reasonable possibility for Tears Of The Kingdom, but I don’t know if Sony or Microsoft will show off anything big. Microsoft announced the Xbox Series X there, so Fable or something. I think it is highly possible. However, Sony has been less predictable than Nintendo lately.

It seems that Konami still has a lot of secrets, and maybe a new Castlevania will come out? 2023 looks pretty empty after February, so I hope we get at least one or two.

bad name
It’s interesting that the developers of God Of War are working on so many different projects. Even assuming one is God Of War 3 and one is a live service game, in the end he’s one brand new, potentially interesting thing.

I know it’s not that important, but I hope Sony gives the studio a proper name. neither That said, I think it’s better than the one in Japan that used to be called Japan Studio.

On last week’s review score talk, I wanted to throw in my twopence: Either the poison of social media made everything the best it’s ever been, or it made it so bad I’d rather commit seppuku. It is manufacturing.

No nuances, no middle ground. Deviating from the opinion within the group makes Joseph he worse than Stalin.

Anyway, I was playing Resident Evil 6 earlier this year. Unfortunately my graphics card and motherboard broke and it took me a long time to get it back together. Having finished it I can say I was absolutely amazed…how bad it was.

I know a lot of people argue that stories don’t matter, but they do. Without a story, the play area (such as the mansion) wouldn’t even have a design. No enemies. Story, or narrative, is an important part of the game. All those parts influence each other.

But in Resident Evil 6, it really feels like an afterthought. This is a big departure from all previous games where you can pick up notes and also show puzzle solutions, and a departure from good design.

Enemies are mostly nasty bullet sponges that don’t react when shot. Narratively, they are also unconvincing. “Yeah, I intentionally infected it and turned it into a bug to fight for my country.”

The new character was poorly developed, and Jake’s importance was pretty irrelevant, as were the villain’s motives (unless you shot the right collectibles, of course, and you can read about them in the hidden menu). .

Ada’s campaign featured one of the only puzzles in the game (seriously, there were only about three of them), but because it was (fortunately) short, it felt like overkill. felt.

It wasn’t scary, but it threw away everything good about the previous games to go after the Call of Duty audience (who would be playing Call of Duty instead).

thank you i hate it
Joseph Dowland
Currently playing: No Man’s Sky (Switch), Ys7 (PC)

Run Inbox too
Why is Tekken at 8 in the sequel, but Street Fighter is only at 6? not.

Happy birthday to Shigeru Miyamoto on Wednesday! You made some of my favorite games/things/somethings. I will be disappointed if your time runs out.
Apoco Cat

hot topic of the week
This weekend’s Inbox subject was inspired by reader Neil Down.

Would you like to give your reviews a score? If so, what is your preferred scale in terms of how many points out of which? Does it? And what do you think about sites with no scores at all?

Is there anything you’d like to change about how we or others do reviews (other than timing, there’s nothing anyone can do)? Also, do you think the overall standard of reviews today is better than it used to be? What do you think of aggregator sites like Metacritic, and do you use them?

Email your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk

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more : Game Inbox: Warzone 2 Release Date, Somerville Disappointment, No Man’s Sky on Switch

more : Games Inbox: Best Sega Video Games, Judging for The Game Awards 2022, Love for Modern Warfare 2

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https://metro.co.uk/2022/11/17/games-inbox-will-there-ever-be-a-half-life-3-17773834/ Games Inbox: Will there be Half-Life 3?

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