Home Uncategorized Chlorine Shortage Poses Pool Health Crisis Before July 4th

Chlorine Shortage Poses Pool Health Crisis Before July 4th


Rudy Stankowitz, residential and public pool consultant.

Cara Green, assistant director, aquatic operations, University of Houston.

Nick Barboza, real estate specialist, San Antonio, TX.

The New York Times: “Just in Time for Pool Season: A Chlorine Shortage.”

Yahoofinance.com: “Chlorine shortage stands to wreak havoc on summer pool season: Goldman Sachs.”

IbisWorld.com: “Swimming Pool Construction Industry in the US- Market Research Report.” 

NOLA.com: “Chemical fire near Lake Charles finally out after 3 days; investigation into cause begins.

CSB.com: “CSB Provides Update,” Aug. 31, 2020.

Pool and Spa Alliance: “Directory.”

Association of Pool and Spa Professionals: “The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals.”

Marketplace: “Lifeguard shortage will mean fewer days at the pool.”

Newsday: “Long Island lifeguard shortage leaves pools, camps scrambling.”

New York Post: “NYC hit by lifeguard shortage, canceling swim classes, teams.”

NPR: “Why Home Improvement Has Surged And How It’s Changing America.”