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Where is Dead Space Remake – Peng Treasure?

in the Dead Space Remake, we’re still nowhere near figuring out exactly what Hoho But instead of just getting 30,000 credits like before, you get the “Always have a pen!” achievement/trophy. Peng’s treasure is not located in the same locations as you can find in the original his 2008 game. Here’s where to find Peng’s treasure in the Dead Space remake.

This guide contains story spoilers.

Dead Space Remake – Peng’s Treasure Location

Peng’s Treasure can be found in Chapter 11 of Dead Space. It may sound familiar as it is a chapter also found in the original game. However, this time it’s in a different place, so don’t stop reading just yet.

Once you reach the cargo bay, you will exit the lift with the ultimate goal of ‘operating the cargo crane’. At that point, you will find yourself in a large room with a marker that is an alien relic like a red spire. At the heart of the game’s story. When you get off the elevator and look behind you, you’ll see a row of gray boxes in front of the Peng poster.

These are the kinds of crates you can move with your Kinesis ability, so use it to clear the area and reveal some lockers you can open. Instantly unlock the trophy and sell it for 30,000 credits at any concession stand. That’s enough for 3 power nodes or a bunch of ammo and health packs. Below is where Peng is in the environment and on the map.


Use the slider to switch between room view and map view.

Previously, this collection was found in the same loading dock where players first took control of Isaac in Chapter 1, but it wasn’t even available until Chapter 11 in the original game. If you head to the loading dock of , you’ll find a text log written by an anonymous scribe about how excited he is to have his own pen, so what Isaac is doing in the remake is Treasures of the Lost Peng. can’t find Rather, he steals it from Ishimura’s employee’s work locker.

Find out more about Dead Space 2023 here Information on New Game Plus and our full review.

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