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Valiant Hearts: Coming Home Review – In The Trenches

In 2014, Ubisoft released Valiant Hearts: The Great War. The game stood out among its more action-oriented brethren for being a smaller, more intimate story. Instead of explosive setpieces and main characters that double as killing machines, the game focuses on people who find themselves marked forever by war.Nine years later, Valiant Hearts: Coming Home hits Netflix Continue the story exclusively on your mobile device and pick up where the previous one left off. The lack of challenging gameplay and short lifespan can sink other games, but the brevity is used to its advantage to ensure the story hits just as hard as its predecessor.

“Coming Home” begins in 1917, just as American troops entered the war for the first time. Familiar Freddie and Anna are back and three new main characters are introduced. George the fighter pilot. And Ernst is a German sailor who unwittingly finds himself in the war through no fault of his own.

The story is told over 19 scenes divided into 3 chapters, equivalent to approximately 2.5 hours of gameplay. It sounds very short on paper, but the story is told efficiently. It doesn’t feel like the beat is dragging. From the opening scene, Coming Home does an amazing job of articulating its narrative, even one designed to make the player uncomfortable. For example, the first scene shows James’ enlistment experience. This forced him into racially segregated lines, with one line receiving weapons and the other line, James’ line, being given a broom for conservation work. In the scene, medic Ana controls the player as she frantically runs around the hospital, treating the wounded, removing shrapnel from their limbs, and bandaging them.

That’s one of my favorite things about this game. There is no glory or charm in that confrontation. Victory does not come from domination, it simply comes from survival. Even if the scene lightens the mood, there’s still a palpable sense of dread that something might go wrong at any moment, and Coming Home does these things like its predecessors without reusing any major plot his points. It portrays terror well.

The story is another triumph of Valiant Hearts, but actually playing it doesn’t always hold up. I don’t think the game is badly designed. From a technical standpoint, the tasks asked of me during the playthrough work quite well other than the occasional misreading of swipe or tap commands. The problem is that the game’s 19 scenes are often simple and rarely interactive. Rather than obstacles, Coming Home often ran into speed bumps.

Part of that minimal effort is due to the underlying control scheme. Most actions can be completed by swiping or tapping the screen. You can aim and throw by pressing the screen while holding an item. If there is a heavy object you want to push, tapping it while your character is standing near it will cause the character to grab it. Although unconscious, it usually works. However, there are moments when an upward swipe to climb onto an object registers as a tap instead, causing the character to grab onto the object again. Annoying, but not game-breaking.

Some scenes require you to walk through small Metroidvania-style areas looking for specific objectives or solving simple puzzles. Others are more linear, like stealth missions where you have to monitor enemy movements and stay behind objects to avoid being caught. The game shakes things up sometimes. Pilot George’s plane to avoid obstacles such as mortars and enemy planes. All of these attack George in sync with the game’s classical music. The rhythm of the band on the screen like a rudimentary guitar hero. None of these sequences are designed to hold the player in for very long.

The game isn’t perfectly linear, but it’s mostly linear.Each mission has hidden items that unlock journal entries depicting real-world events and items used during the war, a welcome feature from the 2014 game. Placement is very This makes finding these trinkets much easier. The idea of ​​hidden items embodying a story is a great one, but I appreciate the need to put more effort into finding them, especially in a game dedicated to sharing history lessons. .

I never thought I would end up playing a sequel to Valiant Hearts. Let alone playing on mobile through Netflix. The gameplay is simplified compared to its predecessor which didn’t always work in the game’s favor. However, while the scene-based structure allows for bite-sized sessions on the go, the short total completion time allows you to marathon the entire game if the player so chooses.

Seen through that lens, Valiant Hearts: Coming Home is a success story. Tell an emotionally resonant story through multiple episodes. Each episode features simple gameplay mechanics and difficulty levels that welcome many players. That said, seasoned video game veterans will find the gameplay lacking substance, even if they’re impressed by the story being told.

https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/valiant-hearts-coming-home-review-in-the-trenches/1900-6418024/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f Valiant Hearts: Coming Home Review – In The Trenches

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