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Mercenaries Lament The seven stars surrounding the silver wolf and the shrine maiden

Several years have passed since a mysterious plague suddenly struck the continent. Plague victims turned into living corpses (zombie) that attacked people, and mercenaries fighting for a living spent their days doing the dirty work of eradicating them. One day, Johann, the leader of the Silver Wolf Company, meets a man who claims to be the god of death. Johann narrowly escaped the Shinigami’s blade, but was left with an ominous prophecy. She was told that the maiden could use miraculous magic to heal people who were afflicted with the plague. Was the Shinigami just a nightmare that Johan saw after he fell ill with the plague…? The encounter with the maiden gave Johann light. And Johann and his companions become a fleet of maidens, traveling through a plague-plagued kingdom to face its deadly fate.

https://www.gamespot.com/games/mercenaries-lament-ginrou-to-miko-o-mawaru-nanatsu/ Mercenaries Lament The seven stars surrounding the silver wolf and the shrine maiden

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