Home Entertainment The Benefits of Gambling: Psychological and Physiological Nuances

The Benefits of Gambling: Psychological and Physiological Nuances


The generally accepted stereotype about the unambiguous dangers of gambling is deeply mistaken. A moderate involvement in gambling activities provides significant benefits, which are manifested both on physiological and psychological levels. Participation in the game provides training for the mind, stress resistance, memory, and develops non-standard thinking. Dosed, controlled stress from participating in gambling causes an adrenaline rush, gives life joy and pleasure.

Ludomania as a result of gambling

Studies show that not all people who bet on sports or gamble in Grand Mondial casino are at risk of gambling addiction. No more than 5% may be prone to gambling addiction. An even smaller number of players (no more than 2%) who initially have behavioral disorders experience gambling addiction. It is not necessary to generalize these negative cases to the whole community of gambling people enjoying controlled gambling. Just as not all those who drink alcohol become alcoholics, so not all casino players have a mental addiction to gambling.

How gambling may positively affect a person’s health?

Passion for card games and slot machines triggers the processes of excitation of the central nervous system, heart rate accelerates, the production of endorphins begins. Adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine enter the bloodstream, which gives rise to a feeling of pleasure and a positive mood. While playing, a gambler feels a slight excitement, and joy, which is also enhanced in case of victory. The same state of joy and pleasure occurs if you perform physical exercises with high dedication, or at the peak of sexual satisfaction. The following positive aspects and benefits of participating in online casino gambling can be highlighted:

the central nervous system gets trained from the dosed stress;

stress resistance develops, which finds application in various spheres of life;

human activity increases.

Dosed hormonal emissions activate the work of the brain, as a result, human cognitive functions are trained: in the course of various game combinations, attention, memory, and logical thinking are actively developed. As practice shows, people who enthusiastically realize their passion at the table are less prone to painful memory loss with age than non-gambling people with an inert psyche. Decreased emotional fatigue and increased stress resistance are typical for those people who consider gambling to be a favorite hobby.

Ability to control the situation and exit the game – a test for adequacy

Active casino participants are happy to join the game and evaluate the situation quite adequately and safely leave the game. Reasonable passion for any gambling game brings benefits and thrills. Various parallels can be drawn: drinking 50ml of wine for dinner promotes digestion, and the systematic consumption of alcohol daily in large doses gradually turns a person into an alcoholic. It is enough to play online slots a couple of times a week to get pleasure, a positive mood, relieve stress, and relax.