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Subway Movie: Review | Release Date (2022) | Songs |

The movie Subway is all about politician Guddu Rastogi’s dirty political games and Bagi Van Singh’s rebellious attitude.

The story is about three part-time highway robbers (Vishal, Hoshiyar, and Raja) who commit petty thefts for beer and chicken night party fun and everyday fun. 1

After much hesitation, the boys agree to do so, but on the way to the businessman’s house, they become trapped in the stronghold of a retired dacoit, Bagi Van Singh, who tells him that the businessman is not a scoundrel. turned out to be kidnapped by thugs. his own brother. Baghi Bhan Singh is surprised by these actions. He promises the businessman that he will punish Gudu Rastogi, a dangerous politician, in his own way, make sure that he will not cause him any harm, and return home safely.

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https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/movie/subway-2/ Subway Movie: Review | Release Date (2022) | Songs |

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