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Steam Profiles Helped Investigators Uncover US Military Leakers

Last month, a number of photos of what appeared to be classified US military documents were leaked online, including several marked as “Top Secret.”Now the FBI arrested A 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard in connection with the leak, The New York Times reports that the suspect’s Steam profile led to a breakthrough in the investigation.

Airman Jack Teixeira has been accused of causing what officials call a “serious security breach that should never happen again.” According to a New York Times report, investigators found his Steam profile under the name of Airman Teixeira. This was tied to his Instagram profile containing a photo of a kitchen counter that matches the leaked document.

Greater New York Times report cast the suspect as the unofficial leader of a Discord server dedicated to war games and gun culture, where the leak appears to have first occurred. Group members said Airman Teixeira shared descriptions of classified information (and ultimately the documents themselves) to show young members of the group what a “real war” was like. increase.

The leaked documents reveal many classified military secrets that have already wreaked havoc in the international community, especially regarding the war in Ukraine.leak suggestion Besides revealing what has been described as US pessimism over Ukraine’s military capabilities, the US has far more insight into the Russian military than previously thought.

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https://www.gamespot.com/articles/steam-profile-helped-investigators-uncover-us-military-leaker/1100-6513268/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f Steam Profiles Helped Investigators Uncover US Military Leakers

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