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Overwatch 2 producer says there will be multiple seasons between new story missions

After Blizzard announced Overwatch 2, Story missions become available Set to release in a $15 bundle called Overwatch 2: Invasion this August, the game’s executive producers have said there will likely be a multi-season hiatus between new story updates. I warned you.

IGN reports that executive producer Jared Noyce commented on the game’s upcoming content in a Twitch stream with the streamer. emong. “Don’t wait for the next round [of story missions] The next season and the season after that, or something like that,” he said. [story missions] We love story stuff, so we present it right in front of our players, giving them plenty of time to make changes and add features. ”

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“To be fair, there are a lot of things we want to do next year, or are already in development for next year, that fill the gaps that people will have in between,” Noyce said later in the stream. clarified in “We try not to make people feel like, ‘And then there’s nothing left’ for a long period of time. Rather, it’s like, ‘Oh, this is cool!'” ‘There’s another story’, ‘There’s this other story’ – we keep telling interesting stories and moving it all forward. ”

From how Noyce discusses content, and the usual way Overwatch 2 structures its seasons, it seems unlikely we’ll get much more story content in 2023 after the Invasion in early August. It seems. blizzard said PvE story missions take place on much larger maps and include unique terrain features not normally added to the game’s PvP maps.

Story missions are the focus of Blizzard’s new PvE. ambitious plans canceled For open-ended PvE hero mode. Between the change in plans and the announcement that story missions would be locked in with a $15 paywall, many fans were unhappy with how Overwatch sequels were treated so far, especially when PvE became more like Overwatch 2. was seen as the primary justification for being released as . another title.

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