Home Lifestyle Mattress removal steps

Mattress removal steps


Upgrading to a new mattress is always a great idea, you possibly spend most of your life sleeping on that bed. Your bad and worn-out mattress is probably the cause of your back pain and insomnia. But after you get a new mattress, how do you get rid of the old one? Many of our homes have old mattresses down in the basement or up in the attic, collecting dust and taking up our space. Also, most of the mattresses end up in the landfill. Throwing your mattress away means ending up in a landfill and adding to the planet’s waste.

Mattress removal is making a significant addition to landfills around the world, so it’s a good idea to look into an alternative.

Consider selling, donating, or recycling your mattress.

Mattress removal steps

 Try selling your mattress online

You probably think that your old mattress is useless because you have used it a long time but someone else might think otherwise. Selling it is one way to get rid of it. You may not make a ton of money, but you never know. Post your mattress for a reasonable price on websites and apps like Craigslist, eBay and see if anyone is interested in purchasing it. To attract buyers, show some quality photos of the mattress and include an accurate item description.

 Donate your mattress to a charity

If your mattress is still in good condition, check with nonprofit organizations in your area to see if they can accept your mattress as a donation like local churches, homeless shelters, and thrift stores.

In case they don’t want one, you can always ask where they recycle their mattresses.

Return your mattress to the retailer

Mattress removal has become quite an issue, so many retailers and manufacturers often take on the task of removing them for customers. If you’re buying a new mattress, ask the retailer if they’d be willing to take your old one and dispose of it as it should be.

Recycle your mattress

There are situations where your mattress won’t be able to be donated. For example, if your mattress is wet, stained, or infested with bed bugs. The best and most environmentally friendly way of mattress removal is to recycle it.

You can hire a mattress recycling service to come to pick the mattress up from your home, break it down, and recycle the parts for a fee.

But if you have time and a vehicle that can transport a mattress, you can do it yourself. All you should do is roll it up, tie it down, and transport it to a local recycling center. You can drop your mattress off for free and they’ll break it down for you.

Some easy steps of Breaking Down Your Mattress

  1. Cut and pull off your mattress’s binding cord
  2. Pull off the sides of the mattress
  3. Pull off the rest of the fabric and the foam
  4. Cut and recycle the metal springs
  5. Break down your box spring if you’re also getting rid of it.