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Importance of Organizational Development


Could your company benefit from enhanced efficiency and productivity? ‘Yes,’ is the obvious answer. Dedicated organizational development is a good method to attain these aims, as well as a slew of other advantages (OD).

Organizational development is the process of changing employee views, attitudes, and values for the betterment of both the individual and the enterprise (OD). The purpose of organizational development is to assist a corporation in adapting and adjusting to changes in the industry, market, and technology. In this article, we’ll look at five of the numerous benefits of OD, spanning from continuous development to increased income.

Identifies areas that require improvement

Identifying areas in your company’s operations where change is essential is one of organizational development’s tasks. Senior decision-makers and managers can evaluate each requirement and factor in the likely consequences of change in a management strategy. This plan outlines the specific ways in which the change will improve business operations, as well as who will be affected and how the change will be implemented effectively. For example, you might find that your company’s productivity reduces after lunch, putting projects with tight deadlines in jeopardy.

You can solve this problem by allocating initiatives with more flexibility to the second half of the day and emphasizing work with stringent deadlines at the beginning of the day. Without organizational development, your company would struggle to implement effective change management strategies. And, as a business owner, you’re well aware that how you handle change is critical to your company’s success, which is why organizational growth is so critical.

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Encourages and Manages Expansion

Organizational development is also a useful instrument for regulating and planning the expansion of a business. This may be performed through an organizational development study, which combines sales projections and customer demand to assess your company’s pace of growth. For example, a computer security company may learn via market research that cyber espionage has become a big concern for many of its clients.

This information should be shared with the company’s sales department so that they may design effective strategies to capitalize on this trend. In certain circumstances, the organizational development study may alter your company’s initial business strategy and lead you down a different path. This research, on the other hand, may assist you in deploying business resources such as employees to promote and control future growth.

Aids Product Development

Product innovation is a supplemental function of organizational growth that requires the analysis of numerous sorts of data to be effective. Product innovation necessitates organizational development since it may assist in the analysis of each component of product development and the development of a method for successfully executing it. Some of the processes that come together in organizational development to help in product creation include competitive analysis, technical development, consumer preferences, target market research, manufacturing capabilities analysis, and patents and trademarks.

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Work Processes Are Analyzed

Analyzing your company’s work processes is another component of organizational growth. When your firm is involved in organizational growth, you may analyze work procedures for efficiency and correctness. You can check if there is any overlap in what you’re doing or whether extra staff are needed to take on a task that isn’t getting enough attention. Any quality control techniques necessary to fulfill corporate requirements are put in place. Evaluators seek for unnecessary procedures or processes that might be merged for greater efficiency, and then develop and implement comprehensive strategies to enhance organizational operations.

Increased profit

Organizational expansion has a variety of implications on the bottom line. Increased innovation and productivity increase efficiency and profitability. Employee turnover and absenteeism are also decreased, resulting in cost savings. As OD unifies objectives and focuses on development, product/service quality and employee satisfaction improve. The company’s dedication to a culture of continual development provides it with a considerable competitive edge in the market.

Product and service enhancement

One of the primary benefits of OD is innovation, which results in improved goods and services. Employee development, which focuses on recognizing accomplishments and increasing motivation and morale, is one method of encouraging creativity. In this environment, employee participation is great, which leads to increased creativity and innovation. Organizational development, which uses competitive analysis, market research, and customer expectations and preferences, also helps to enhance product innovation.

Employee development

The goal of organizational development is to improve communication in order to persuade individuals to make the needed changes. Because of continual industry and market innovations, employee development is necessary. As a result, in order to stay up with changing market needs, an organization’s employee talents must be updated on a regular basis. This is performed by putting in place a program of learning, training, skill/competency development, and work process improvement.