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Game of the Week: Road 96: Mile 0 is a puzzle like any other

Not an original idea, but one that stands up to repetition. All games are actually puzzles, just like all novels are actually mystery novels. What are the rules? yes. of course. But externally, what about the pace, rhythm, and ritual of play? How do the thoughts and actions of the game spiral outward with loops and bows, and how far apart are they?

I’m thinking about this today because I know I have an article to write about Zelda, Breath of the Wild, and obv this afternoon, and I’m a little scared. Please find the real way to play. I mess around in that world, endlessly colliding with the world itself. None of the approaches last very long. I find it hard to follow game threads and even harder to tie them together. I think these are all just another way of saying I love it.

But I’m also thinking about it because of the game of the week. This is the game we actually reviewed this week and it came out this week. Road 96: Mile 0 is easy so far. everything else? tricky. Game of the Week: Road 96: Mile 0 is a puzzle like any other

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