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Apex Legends Mobile and Battlefield Mobile have been canceled by EA

Apex Legends Mobile – It didn’t last long (Photo: EA)

EA has already removed Apex Legends Mobile from its app store, as the studio behind Battlefield Mobile has closed for good.

In the last few weeks we have Major job cuts at Microsoftand like many other non-gaming tech companies, that trend may continue as they suddenly find that the boost they got during lockdown won’t last.

It’s not clear if something similar is happening with EA at this point, but EA has announced that it will shut down both Apex Legends Mobile and the developers behind Battlefield Mobile.

Apex Legends Mobile is the most surprising news as the game has gained a relatively large user base. However, it was controversial for featuring characters not included in the main game. player.

In other words, even if shutting down the entire game seemed a bit of an overreaction, new content wasn’t being released fast enough. If mobile were seen as a distraction, the decision would make a little more sense.

Respawn didn’t fully create the game as they partnered with various outside developers, including PUBG Mobile developer Lightspeed. Studios are increasingly taking a directing role in many of the new projects. new star wars game raft Beyond the Star Wars Jedi series.

by the way, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor also postponed todayjust as EA released its latest financial results, its current weak forecast sent the stock down 10%.

Canning Apex Legends Mobile may have been intended to prove that EA executives were willing to make tough decisions, such as shutting down Battlefield Mobile developer Industrial Toys.

Founded in 2012 by Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian, this little-known studio was given the enviable task of bringing Battlefield to smartphones.

“As the industry has evolved and our strategy to build a deeply connected Battlefield ecosystem has taken shape, we have decided to pivot from where we are today in order to best fulfill our vision for the franchise and meet the expectations of our players. I did,” he said of the matter.

When will Apex Legends Mobile end?

Battlefield Mobile never made it to the general public, but Apex Legends first released last May. However, it will be closed on May 1st, just by missing its first birthday.

However, the game will be removed from the Android and Apple app stores today, at which point you will no longer be able to make in-app purchases using real money.

However, EA has no plans to offer refunds if you have already paid real money for something in-game.

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