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SOMA Developer’s ‘Unscripted’ WW1 Horror Amnesia: The Bunker Delayed To May

Amensia: SOMA developer Frictional Games’ “unscripted” WW1 horror, The Bunker, has been pushed from its original March release window to May 16th.

The Bunker – The fourth game in the Amnesia series, following The Dark Descent, A Machine for Pigs, and 2021’s Rebirth – is a bit of a departure from Frictional’s traditionally linear horror tales, with nightmarish cicadas. promises “unscripted” horror. – Open world.

Set in the claustrophobic realm of a dimly lit bunker, Frictional’s latest installment casts you as Henri Clément. Henri Clement is a French soldier who is hunted by “adapted” otherworldly creatures. Armed with a revolver and a raucous dynamo to escape his grasp, the player explores and uses quick thinking to deal with objects, threats, and resources that change with each playthrough. You have to experiment.

Amnesia: The Bunker – Trailer.

To address the decision to delay Amnesia: The Bunker from its previously announced March release window, the studio announced explained“The team here at Frictional has had a tough winter with many illnesses affecting development. We are a small team and things like this have a big impact on production.”

“Doing the game justice is important to us,” he continued. , will make the necessary difference in a few more weeks. ”

Amnesia: The Bunker will be available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC ( vapor, epic storeWhen Gog) when the newly announced May 16 release date arrives. Until then, if you’re curious, check out Frictional’s gameplay clip. Share on YouTube page.

https://www.eurogamer.net/soma-devs-unscripted-ww1-horror-amnesia-the-bunker-delayed-into-may SOMA Developer’s ‘Unscripted’ WW1 Horror Amnesia: The Bunker Delayed To May

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