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Capcom is doing incredibly well

Japanese game company Capcom posted record sales.

The company sold 41.7 million games during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023. This is the best in the company’s long history.

Revenue increased by 14.4% year-on-year and profit increased by 12.9%.

Capcom is resident evil 4 remake and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Digital back catalog sales. Capcom announced last month that Resident Evil 4 has shifted over his four million copies. Sunbreak sells over 5m.

Aoife’s spoiler-free Resident Evil 4 Remake review.

This marked the sixth consecutive year of record profits at all levels, and the tenth consecutive year of operating profit growth for Capcom. We expect continued growth in the coming fiscal year.

In the future, Capcom plans to launch promising products street fighter 6 June, and outer primitive in July.Also called a new Monster Hunter mobile game monster hunter now, is being co-developed with Pokémon GO creator Niantic and will be released in September.oh and there’s a new one live action street fighter movie TV series in production.

https://www.eurogamer.net/capcom-is-doing-incredibly-well Capcom is doing incredibly well

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