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Become a stealth vampire in VR with Fast Travel Vampires: The Masquerade – Justice

recently PlayStation Blog PostFast Travel Games creative director Erik Odeldahl shared some news about the upcoming game. PlayStation VR2 title.

Vampire the Masquerade – Justice
*Click here for images playstation blog.

start from scratch
Vampire: The Masquerade is a story-rich world that started in 1991 as a tabletop role-playing game. Over the years, it has gained a cult following.

In general, the game uses the cursed vampire state to set the background for the characters you play and other characters you interact with.

In later years, this title has become established in the world. Video game The industry allows the use of locales to diversify the story.

Who are the main characters and where are they going?
First, you play as the vampire of the clan Banu Haqim – Justice.

Justice travels from New York to the dark and mysterious Venice of Italy to hunt down the culprit behind his father’s final death.
*Click here for images playstation blog.

Justice is thrown into the conflict between ferocious vampires fighting for power and their souls.

A vampire clan known as the Hekata uses Venice as one of its bases of operations. The past few years have caused great unrest in their family.
*Click here for images playstation blog.

What makes this game unique in VR2?
in particular, Adaptive trigger and tactile ability Available on both the controller and the headset itself, it allows for immersive gameplay.

You assume the role of a stealth vampire. You have access to numerous tools to hide from your enemies.

It can then be ambushed and dealt with deadly force if necessary.
*Click here for images playstation blog.

Do I need to play previous games before enjoying this new title?
In short, no. The title aims to provide a strong narrative for players to enjoy.

Specifically, the game contains an original story and characters. The game works to be a welcoming experience for new players and veterans alike.

When is the release date?
Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait for more information. The latest information is that it will be released in the second half of 2023.

Still, this is a great title to watch.

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All in all, there are a lot of great titles to watch in the future. In fact, this is definitely something to watch as further development information is released.

Please check it by all means.

Until next time. Become a stealth vampire in VR with Fast Travel Vampires: The Masquerade – Justice

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