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Autism Spectrum Disorder – There’s More Than We Know

“Anita begins to caress material of a particular texture, regardless of where or who the fabric is”; “Suhas suddenly starts flapping his arms for no particular reason and doesn’t stop for more than 5 minutes”

These are descriptions of certain behaviors seen in people/children with autism.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is more than just a disorder

The word “spectrum” refers to a wide range of symptoms and severity. ASD affects the way your brain is wired, and this wiring difference can make you better at certain tasks that others find difficult, such as math, music, or art. Children may find activities that others find easy, or find them incredibly difficult. According to a report published in 2018, her one child in 59 will be diagnosed with her ASD. Symptoms are usually evident by the age of 2 years.

Children/adults on this spectrum experience difficulties in three main areas: communication, social interaction, and behavior.

Below are some symptoms and types of behaviors seen in people diagnosed with ASD.

  • Unresponsive or slow to respond when someone calls your name
  • Resists hugging and cuddling, seems to prefer to play alone, and withdraws into his own world.
  • Lack of eye contact and lack of facial expressions
  • Does not speak, is delayed in speaking, or has lost the ability to produce previous words or sentences.
  • Can’t start or continue a conversation
  • Difficulty understanding simple questions or instructions.
  • Limited or no expression of feelings or emotions, and seemingly oblivious to the feelings of others.
  • Repetitive behavior such as repeating words or phrases.
  • A strong and persistent interest in a particular topic, such as numbers, details, or facts.
  • I get upset by the slightest changes in my daily routine.
  • Being more or less sensitive than others to sensory inputs such as light, noise, clothing, and temperature.

A person experiencing an Autism Spectrum Disorder cannot control any of these, but is perceived by others to be stoic, uncaring, self-centered, or many other unkind and unfair. It is often easily determined that

In addition to these symptoms, most people experiencing autism spectrum disorders also have to deal with biomedical issues such as seizure disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, psychiatric disorders, metabolic status, sleep irregularities, and obesity. However, these issues are often left unaddressed and can exacerbate potentially inappropriate behavior.

As humans, our senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste) constantly send information to our brain about our surroundings and other people. This will help you choose the right response. Yet, to deal with unpleasant or chaotic situations, each of us develops behaviors that help us stay calm. People on this spectrum are sensitive to overloaded sensations such as bright lights, loud sounds, and smells and touches (which may feel normal to others, but can affect the way they see the world). may feel extreme to them), they may try to deal with it by rocking their bodies, flapping their hands, rocking, spinning, or doing a few other things. Others. These behaviors may seem unusual to others, but it’s how they try to calm down. .

To be kind is not to make them difficult by being angry, ignoring, or mocking them. Instead, they need friends and family who will take the time and patience to understand and support them.

If you’re on the spectrum, you often have trouble understanding and processing social norms, especially in terms of social interactions. What that means is that they sometimes don’t know how to act or react. They are often left inside.

They are not sick or broken.

No need to fix.

They just have a different way of experiencing things around them and a unique view of the world. I also have They may not understand sarcasm, but they often make the best and most honest friends.

“I don’t want to be autistic. But I am, so please don’t get mad. Please understand.” – Carly Fleishman

For more articles on mental health and emotional health, see here sane reading.

#BeTheForce Autism Spectrum Disorder – There’s More Than We Know

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