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Why Job Fairs Are Still Important In 2022


Job fairs are often viewed as archaic by the younger generations: but these aren’t useless!  Despite its reputation, the average job fair is a bustling market of opportunities for job seekers and employers alike.  

If you’re eager to make professional connections and aren’t sure where to start: these are some of the top perks for employers and job seekers all around!

Why They Matter for Employers

Job fairs matter for employers because they give them the chance to connect with possible employees that have a real interest in working and are willing to go out of their way to find a company.  Beyond this, it’s also a fast and efficient way to introduce your company to job seekers who may not have realized it existed beforehand.  

Why They Matter for Job Seekers

Job fairs are awesome for job seekers because they can find countless possibilities all within one building or field!  Job fairs allow you to connect with possible careers you may not have considered otherwise: that could pay higher than ones you’d traditionally find.

Ways They Should Improve

All forms of recruitment marketing can use improvements, and this includes job fairs.  The main way job fairs can, and should, improve to make digital applications easier while in person.  This could mean offering emails that are only accepted at job fairs so people can quickly send their resumes after talking to someone: while ensuring it’s quickly noticeable they met at a job fair.

You should also include current employees that work within whatever part of the company you’re hiring for.  Doing this will give the new candidates the chance to get to know their possible future roles better and decide if it’s something they want to do.  Make sure to vet your employees first, and find someone who knows what they’re doing.

How Alternatives Can Get Closer

If you’re still struggling to find a great way to connect with job seekers: you’re not alone.  Sometimes a job fair doesn’t work for a business, especially if you’re trying to hire remotely.  Instead, there are some ways you can copy the way a job fair works!

One of the best ways is by creating a similar event via social media.  Your company should post on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that you’ll be doing a day of hiring and interviews and make it a digital job fair for your company.  Answer questions on social media, stream introductions to the company and allow people to feel welcomed into the company even if they’ve never heard of it before.

Another thing you can do to copy how job fairs are so successful is to get word of mouth going!  Reward your employees for referrals, and ask them to help you find their future coworkers.  This will build the community feeling that’s often achieved through job fairs and will help ensure you bring on reliable employees.  

Job Fairs Are Still Important!

Whether you’re an employer or employee looking for a great way to connect: there’s a lot going for job fairs!  Consider attending one of these great networking events soon!