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People Who Care About 60fps Are Not True Gamers – Reader Feature

Gotham Knights – 30fps console only (Photo: WB Games)

One reader is frustrated with the current focus on frame rates, claiming that people who are obsessed with frame rates are losing interest in the actual game.

It’s not hard to understand the nature of video game fandom. Video games are expensive, both in terms of hardware and software, and I don’t think anyone wasted their money. As such, most discussions revolve around which console is best and which games are best. Given that most of these brands are decades old at this point, this has resulted in a lot of unconditional loyalty among some, but that’s about it.

However, there is another tension in the fan debate, though not necessarily related to such issues. It started with 8-bit versus 16-bit, followed by cartridge size and number of discs, PC processor speed, and resolution. This contained many differences that are barely detectable by the human eye.

Arguing about which console or game is the best is difficult in normal terms and requires specialized knowledge. You have to make your case, give examples, and compare, but it’s easier if you have the numbers to argue with. Is that number greater or less than yours? If it is greater than I win and the one I like proves better than yours!

As you might have guessed from my headline, the latest ammunition in Endless Warfare is frame rate. Something that has been ignored for generations, despite making a bigger difference to games than things like resolution, has suddenly become a major topic of conversation.

The reason it’s been a big problem in the past is that it takes a lot of horsepower to reach the ideal standard of 60fps. But that’s because it’s impossible to show the difference in screenshots, and it’s also difficult in video.

We all know that a frame rate is bad if it’s lower than the ideal minimum of 30 fps. However, the difference between 30fps and 60fps is more subtle. Usually you can’t tell just by watching a video, or at least at first glance.

Most people discussing frame rate will find that we’re only talking about visuals. This immediately shows that they have no idea what they are talking about and are literally arguing over numbers. Angry and threatening to cancel the pre-order. In a game like Gotham Knights, there’s no reason at all.

A frame rate of 60 fps is more to be felt than seen. A good way to tell the difference is to play Forza Horizon 2 at 30 fps and Forza Horizon 5 (or most other modern racers) at 60 fps. Visuals and control fluidity are very different from modern games, and 30 fps is perfectly playable, but it’s clearly a compromise.

It’s essentially a frame rate argument, or rather it should be: 30 fps is acceptable, but 60 fps is preferable, especially for fast-moving games like racers, shooters, and fighting games.

Most of the people who discuss such things don’t seem to care, not only disrespecting 30fps games, but obsessing over 120fps campaigns. All hardware is still 10 or 20 years old.

But it’s a bigger number than you see, so it must be better.

I wouldn’t normally use terms like “true gamer” because they are elite, but I wouldn’t use them in this context. In this context, I am criticizing people who claim to enjoy video games but want to reduce discussions about them to numbers on websites.

If you think Gotham Knights is a bad game, explain what you don’t like about the gameplay or graphics. If you’re looking forward to Bayonetta 3, not just because it’s 60fps, but because you’re excited about the combat and new demons.

You can’t call yourself a gamer if you don’t actually care about games and just use them as a medium to win arguments on the internet. Either you didn’t like it in the first place, or you’re so lost, you should sit down and play a few for fun instead of worrying about how many frames are going through your eyeballs each second.

From reader Paulie

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https://metro.co.uk/2022/10/23/people-that-care-about-60fps-are-not-true-gamers-readers-feature-17617236/ People Who Care About 60fps Are Not True Gamers – Reader Feature

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