No time to work out?Here’s how to sneak fitness into your day
The benefits of exercise are known to all of us. Yet it’s constantly neglected in our daily schedules and blamed for lack of time. What if fitness could sneak into our busy lives? If you think you can’t do it, think again because you might be wrong.
Experts suggest the average person needs 150 minutes of cardio per week. Divided into a week, that’s about 20 minutes per day. This is a reasonable goal that you can set and maintain in a day. Here are some ways to stay fit during your busy schedule.
- Rise, Shine, and Stretch: Don’t wake up and start completing your to-do list for the day. Do some stretching and add a simple exercise routine. Therefore, it helps you start your day on a positive note.
- muscle tension: Try sitting at the desk itself and tensing your muscles. For example, squeeze your stomach muscles for a few seconds and then release them. Repeat this several times. Similarly, sit in a chair, place your hands under the seat, pull the seat up with both hands, stay in that position for a few seconds, then release your hands.
- Not sitting for a long time: Scientists suggest that sitting for long periods of time is just as bad as smoking. Get in touch with your co-workers and discuss the information you were planning to text or email. Read those long e-mails or examine PowerPoint presentation standings. Walk up to the water dispenser and fill your bottle. Stretch your body and release tension.
- Walk an additional mile: Try to walk a little more than usual every day. Park your car farther than usual and take extra steps. Instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs to go up and down. Do not order food. Walk over to the office cafeteria and get the food and drink you need.
- Jogging stroller for moms: Are you a mom of toddlers? It can be difficult to find time to exercise on your own while giving away your child. Get a stroller, strap on your child and go for a walk. It’s rejuvenating for you and fun for your baby.
- Post-lunch walk: A short walk after lunch can keep you from feeling drowsy and also help you digest your food and get off your chair. Take a loved one or a colleague and enjoy a walk.
- Using public transport: Using public transportation contributes to reducing air pollution and improving health. This transport allows you to walk a little extra and hop on public transport to reach your destination.
- Using cycles for transport: Today, many employees working in corporate offices in large cities commute to work by bicycle. It’s a better alternative to public transport and keeps your body active and healthy.
- Give your dog long walks: Your dog deserves special love. Show it off with a longer walk than usual. Your dog will be as happy as your health.
- Take a break from helping with your home: Give your gardener or maid a break and enjoy the holidays with your family. In the meantime, you can sneak in some family time too. Involve your loved ones in gardening and cleaning the house. Make it a fun activity that allows you to spend quality time with your partner and kids and stay active.
- Say goodbye to the sofa: We certainly want to wrap blankets around us and sit on the couch or watch TV all day long. Fold clothes or wipe the floor while watching your favorite movie. Keep your remote near your TV so you can take a short walk when you want to change channels or feel the urge. Run on the treadmill or ride his workout cycle while watching your favorite series. This will fill your body and soul.
- Utilization of technology: We live in a technologically advanced world. Make the most of it to stay fit and healthy. Set a reminder or alarm to drink water and take a break. Use your smartwatch to set a goal for how many steps you should take each day. Measure your calorie loss and set reasonable goals each day.
- Get healthy Friday night: Say no to parties and pubs. Arrange a mini volleyball or badminton match in your backyard and spend Friday nights with friends and family. You can even throw a dance party to burn calories and make it look less like exercise.
Most of the diseases we get today are lifestyle related and preventable. Changing your lifestyle requires just a little bit of attention and attention. If you can schedule a time to work out, that’s great. But even if you can’t do that, stretching and walking on a regular basis isn’t difficult. Follow the tips given and enjoy a healthy life. No time to work out?Here’s how to sneak fitness into your day