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Nintendo Switch 2 As Powerful As PS4 Will Destroy Xbox And PS5

Will the next Switch be a hit? (Photo: Nintendo)

One reader reacted to rumors that the Switch would be nearly as powerful as the PS4, predicting another big success for Nintendo.

I don’t know how other people imagined it. switch 2 It will finally be revealed, but I don’t think they envisioned it being done in any way A few words from the head of Activision. He didn’t say what it would look like, but he did reveal one of the most important details possible. That means it will be almost as powerful as the PlayStation 4. It was what I wanted, but I had no confidence that it would come true. .

I know there are a lot of quirks when it comes to how the Switch looks and works, but it’s really interesting to know one basic fact. Consider what Nintendo could do with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and imagine what it can do with hardware that can make games that look just as good. The Last of Us Part 2 or Horizon Forbidden West!

However, this isn’t just about making Nintendo’s games look better, it also allows third-party publishers to put all their games on the Switch 2. It will probably be able to carry everything that was released in the previous generation, as well as this generation version. Because, let’s be honest, it looks and plays pretty much the same, except for a few technical details.

Nintendo doesn’t have a great track record of successful console follow-ups, and the Wii U is the worst follow-up to the Wii imaginable. You might think they’ve learned a lesson with it, and while they shouldn’t think anything of Nintendo, at least give it to them. So the imaginary setup is a console similar to the Switch, but capable of running nearly every game from the last decade and many in the future.

We’ve already seen how popular powerful handhelds are on Steam decks, but imagine what a more user-friendly, cheaper version of a Nintendo game would look like with added bonuses. please look. This, in my view, is a blow to the current stagnation in the gaming industry as a whole, and I think Sony and Microsoft will seriously regret not investing in their own hybrid his consoles.

I’m very surprised that the two companies didn’t start developing comparable products so soon after the Switch hit. Because that was certainly the case when motion control became popular on the Wii. In fact, they usually copy everything from shoulder buttons to analog sticks, so it’s a little puzzled. Perhaps they tried to use the tablet in games and quickly copied the Wii U and got burned because it didn’t work.

Whatever the reason, their lack of action means Nintendo has an open field to play in, and I think they’re trying to crush it. Their slower release schedule means they should have plenty of new games in reserve and can release anytime next year without worrying about colliding with others. Plus they can now sell upgrades to allow all games to run at his 60fps etc (I know free is better but we’re talking nintendo ).

Switch 2, or whatever it’s finally called, takes things to new heights, and I really think it’s going to make the Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 look old in no time. I’m here. While Microsoft and Sony may be waiting for game streaming to happen before they really get into portable gaming, Nintendo already offers full Wi-Fi independence. .

Nintendo will have to go to great lengths to make the new Switch a flop and I’m sure they can do just that, but I’m already super excited about the Switch 2 and still It hasn’t been done. It hasn’t even been announced yet.

From reader Andro64

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more : Activision Says Nintendo Switch 2 Is Nearly As Powerful As PS4

more : Nintendo hints at backwards compatibility for Switch 2 games

more : First Game Coming To Nintendo Switch 2, It Will Be A Mario + Rabbids Re-Release

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