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Lost Eidolon

The country of Benerio was once a shining kingdom by the sea. Then the Tekken Conqueror, Rudivictus, set the world on fire and rewrote the map. Benerio is now his one trampled state in a crumbling empire whose only true ruler is corrupt. A charming mercenary captain, Eden is forced to become a rebel commander when the village plunges headlong into war. Now Eden must rally allies and confront Imperial forces, terrifying monsters, and enemies within. Lost Eidolons is a turn-based tactical RPG with a gripping cinematic narrative set in a decaying empire torn apart by civil war. Take on the role of Eden, a charming mercenary captain, and lead his band of comrades through epic encounters on the classic turn-based battlefield.

https://www.gamespot.com/games/lost-eidolons/ Lost Eidolon

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