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How To Develop Cognitive Abilities Of The Brain And Improve Academic Performance For Students


A lack of one of the cognitive abilities frequently hinders you from succeeding in studying or mastering a new profession. However, just like the physical form, the human brain’s cognitive capacities can be grown and maintained throughout life.

What are cognitive abilities and what do they affect?

Cognitive skills are all the abilities of the brain that it uses while working. The development of cognitive abilities begins from infancy, when children play games and read. However, not everyone’s abilities are equally developed. To absorb the information, one person must read the text, another must hear, and the third must perceive the graph and table.

Some can retell a text that they have read or heard once, while others have to memorize even a sentence or two. Some can write a story or an essay in a short term, while others will think over the topic for several days. But this is not a significant problem, because experts who offer the “pay to write my paper” service can help write an essay. That is, in diligent learners and students, failure to learn is caused by a lack of cognitive skills rather than a lack of grasp of the topic.

There are nine different types of cognitive abilities. Each is in charge of a distinct function, and each can be developed independently of the others.

Focused attention

Allows you to concentrate on a single activity and complete it. If constant attention refers to paying attention for an extended period of time (for example, listening to the conclusion of a lecture or doing all of your homework), focused attention refers to addressing a specific problem or completing laboratory work.

Divided attention

This, on the other hand, is the ability to accomplish multiple tasks at once. Cooking dinner while listening to (and, more importantly, memorizing) an audio recording of a lesson is an example of divided attention. Alternatively, while preparing for your speech, listen to a fellow student’s response at the seminar.

Constant attention

This is an opportunity to focus on a single activity for an extended period of time without being distracted by other things or irritants: don’t obtain a smartphone for a couple of hours, don’t draw instead of writing notes, or sit down to write a diploma for only a couple of hours and really do only this for a couple of hours. For some, it’s hard to imagine sitting for several hours on a task and doing nothing else. In this case, restlessness gets in the way, but even here the essay writer service or one of your friends or classmates can help with the task.

Long-term memory

This skill is responsible for our memory for a long time. We can remember some facts, cases from life for a long period because of it, and we can reproduce them if necessary. Some of our earliest memories are still with us. We can study for an exam, master a theory, and even memorize stuff for a semester and then accurately repeat it thanks to long-term memory.

Working memory

It’s an operative version of memory. It allows a person to recall difficult information for a brief period of time, such as a phone number or a formula. They are held in memory for a few minutes, during which time you must have enough time to use them. Operative memory is used not only to memorize short items but also to absorb the significance of what is being spoken or read.

Logical thinking

Logic is a mental process in which a person can derive a conclusion from the data he or she has access to based on prior experience. A person has logical thinking if he or she can prove objectively and impartially the correctness of his or her views, reason out a conflict, or find a way out of an unusual problem situation.

Auditory perception

We can interpret spoken language and listen to music thanks to our ability to hear. Many people find it difficult to perceive complex verbal structures read aloud to them: this means that they have a reduced auditory perception of information. But it is indispensable for students with modern teaching standards, where almost every subject is taught in the form of lectures.

Visual perception

This, on the other hand, is the ability to properly perceive information through visual images. If you need to read a text, look at a map or see visual illustrations on your own, it means that your visual perception of information is very well developed.

Information processing speed

A skill that sums up all of the previous. The person heard or saw the material, focused on the task, remembered the problem, came to his own conclusions and offered the answer. The amount of time that goes between receiving information and reacting to it is solely determined by information processing ability. This is the amount of time that goes between receiving a stimulus and reacting to it, in scientific terms.

How to increase the cognitive abilities of the brain

Exercise isn’t the only way to increase cognitive abilities (although they also play an important role). The majority of your abilities are determined by your physical and mental state.

  • Stress has a negative effect not only on well-being but also on cognitive skills. In order to temporarily improve the cognitive abilities of the brain, a slight break in the activity is usually enough. If you are studying, go out into the corridor (of course, if there is such an opportunity) and walk for one or two minutes. At home, you can do some light exercise, go to the kitchen for tea, turn on the music. Don’t bother with homework Find a good pro essay writing service and let your mind rest. It is worth practicing meditation and breathing exercises: in the future, it will help you to calm down without a drastic change of scenery.
  • A healthy lifestyle (especially the alternation of work and rest, healthy sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise) is especially important when mentally stressed. If you have a comfortable daily routine set up, you get enough sleep and feel alert, then it will be much easier to cope with your studies. The good news is that, unlike health or body shape, changes in cognitive abilities will be noticeable the same day you decide to finally get enough sleep and stretch in the morning. The bad news: it costs two days not to sleep at night, and in pairs, you definitely can’t do anything useful. So, to improve memory, concentration, and attention, you still have to follow at least the regime.
  • Workplace organization can also be beneficial. Remove all potential distractions from the table, including your phone, books, and superfluous notebooks. In class, put nothing on the table except a pen and a notebook. If you’re working on a computer, clear your desktop and avoid using social media. It’s also worth paying attention to how you react to music and the soundtrack. Someone will be distracted, and someone will be able to concentrate more readily if there is a soundtrack playing in the background.
  • Train individual skills: focus on unimportant things for a certain time, reproduce the text immediately after reading. If you find it difficult to perceive information by ear, listen to audiobooks, and then write a retelling of what you heard. Over time, this will become much easier to do. To develop visual perception, you can draw pictures from memory or remember after class what your fellow students were wearing.

Many hobbies, such as crossword puzzles, chess, puzzle collecting, puzzle solving, and board games, are suitable for training logical thinking and information processing speed at the same time.

Try different options, and pay attention to the games and activities that are hard for you to do. That means those are the skills you need to work on.