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CT scan : what it is, risks, preparation and consequences,


Diagnosing disease is a difficult part of the treatment process. But thanks to modern science and medicine, there are ways to ease this process. Computed tomography (CT) is a revolutionary technology that helps healthcare providers accurately diagnose abnormalities. Learn more about CT scans, their requirements, and their side effects in this comprehensive blog.

What is a CT scan?

A computed tomography scan, or CT scan, is a procedure that combines a series of x-ray images taken from different angles of the body to form cross-sectional images of bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues inside the body. Images from CT scans provide more information than X-rays.

CT scans have a variety of uses, including helping to quickly assess patients for internal injuries from car accidents and other trauma. Almost any part of the body can be analyzed using a CT scan. CT scans are useful in planning medical, surgical, or radiation treatments and in detecting disease and injury.

Why is a CT scan done?

A doctor may decide that a CT scan should:

  • diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and disorders such as cancer; Heart diseaselung nodules, and liver masses
  • Detects skeletal and muscular conditions including: bone cancerand fracture
  • tumor, infection, or thrombusLocation
  • help with surgery biopsyand radiotherapy procedures
  • track the results of certain treatments, such as cancer treatments
  • Identify internal bleeding and injuries

What are the risks associated with CT scans?

A CT scan is a relatively low-risk test, but it does come with some risks. they are:

  • Radiation exposure: During a CT scan, you are briefly exposed to ionizing radiation. CT scans produce more detailed results than regular x-rays, so you are exposed to more radiation. Although large doses of radiation can increase the risk of cancer, the small doses of radiation used in CT scans have not been proven to be harmful in the long term.
  • The many benefits of CT scans far outweigh the minimal possible risks. Doctors use the lowest possible dose of radiation to collect the necessary medical data. In addition, modern equipment and methods emit less radiation than older ones.
  • Harm to the fetus: If you are pregnant, please inform your doctor in advance. The radiation from a CT scan is unlikely to harm your baby, but your doctor may recommend alternative screening. ultrasound again MRI, to protect your child from radiation exposure. No adverse effects were detected in those for whom minimal radiation doses were used during CT imaging.
  • Response to Contrast Dye: Some CT scans use special materials known as contrast agents to highlight blood arteries, intestines, and other structures. Contrast agents appear white on the image and block X-rays from entering those areas.Contrast agents he can receive in three ways.
  • Oral: If you are scanning your stomach or esophagus, you may need to drink a contrast medium.
  • Intravenously: A contrast agent may be injected into a vein in the arm to show the liver, gallbladder, urinary system, blood vessels, and other organs more clearly. Your tongue may feel hot or have a metallic taste during the injection.
  • enema: A contrast agent may be inserted into the rectum to make the bowel more visible.
  • Most reactions are minor and cause a rash and itching. Allergic reactions can be severe and even fatal in some cases. Inform your doctor if you have ever experienced a reaction to a contrast agent.

Ready for a CT scan?

Before scanning, you may need to change into a patient gown and remove metal items such as belts, jewelry, dentures, eyeglasses, etc. that may affect image quality. You may also need to fast for several hours before your procedure.

Ready for your child’s scan?

Your doctor may recommend sedation to help your baby or toddler feel comfortable throughout the CT scan. Motion can distort the image and produce unreliable results.

What Happens During a CT Scan?

A CT scanner looks like a large donut on its side. It sits securely with straps and pillows on a small motorized table that slides through a hole into a tunnel. If scanning the head, use a customized cradle to stabilize the head during scanning.

Inside the scanner, detectors and x-ray tubes revolve around them, creating images of thin slices of the body as they rotate.

A technician can observe you from another room and communicate with them through an intercom. there is.

What happens after a CT scan?

After completing the exam, you can resume your normal activities. You may receive specific instructions if you were given a contrast agent. Your doctor may tell you to drink plenty of water to help your kidneys flush the contrast agent from your system.


CT scans are often viewed on a computer screen and saved as electronic data files. These pictures are interpreted by a radiologist who sends a report to the doctor. Based on the report, doctors devise treatment methods.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to complete a CT scan?

CT scans can be performed in hospital or outpatient settings. With modern equipment, CT scans are quick and painless, and the entire process takes about 30 minutes.

How do I perform a CT scan on a claustrophobic patient?

If the person is claustrophobic, the doctor may prescribe a mild sedative to help keep them relaxed.

https://healthlibrary.askapollo.com/ct-scan-what-is-it-risks-preparation-and-result/ CT scan : what it is, risks, preparation and consequences,

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