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Can you get wrinkles on your retina?


We all know that as we age, our skin becomes more wrinkled. But did you know that the inner membrane of the eye can also wrinkle? Yes. It occurs due to age and other factors. This blog is a comprehensive guide to retinal wrinkles, their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

What are retinal wrinkles?

The retinal wrinkle, or macular wrinkle, or epiretinal membrane, is a rare condition in which small wrinkles form in the macula of the eye.The macula is located exactly in the center of the retina. Control your visual center and help you see finer details when reading, driving or doing other activities. However, it needs to be laid flat behind the eye for it to work properly. When wrinkles start to form, it affects a person’s central vision.

How do retinal wrinkles occur?

The underlying cause of wrinkled retinas is unknown, but aging may be an important factor. The vitreous is a substance in the eye that shrinks with age and begins to pull away from the retina. If the vitreous separates normally, there is usually no problem. However, when attached to the retina, a film develops on its surface that can pull on the macula and eventually cause wrinkles.This film can also form as a result of eye surgery or inflammation of the eye. I have.

How do wrinkled retinas feel?

The retina does not wrinkle quickly. Symptoms may appear gradually. Blurry vision or certain changes in central vision are usually seen while driving or reading. Some words and letters may be missing or stuck. In addition, straight lines may appear wavy. One eye is usually more affected, but one or both eyes can be affected, and the severity of symptoms depends on the progression of the wrinkles.

How is wrinkled retina diagnosed?

Diagnosis may require only a mydriatic examination to identify this problem. Doctors may use eye drops to dilate the pupil and look at the retina.

Your healthcare provider may also use a specialized device to perform optical coherence tomography if you suspect you have macular pucker. can be examined in great detail. You may need to go home after these assessments, as your vision may remain clouded for some time.

What treatment options are available for wrinkled retinas?

Your health care provider may not prescribe treatment for mild cases of wrinkled retinas. You may be asked to visit regularly to monitor changes. In some cases, glasses may be prescribed to improve vision. In some cases it may not be necessary as the eye naturally adjusts for vision.

Surgery may reduce visual distortion in more severe cases when daily tasks become difficult.It removes the macular membrane, allowing the retina to appear smoother.

Local anesthesia is administered during the operation, so you will hardly feel any discomfort. A process called a vitrectomy is performed first. Your healthcare provider will make a small keyhole incision and use a suction device to remove the vitreous gel before replacing it with fluid. A membrane resection is then performed. Membrane resection or membrane removal is performed on the retinal surface. Your doctor will examine your retinas for signs of weakness or damage and may freeze or treat them with a laser to reduce the chance of a retinal detachment. After the examination, the doctor will suture the surface of the eye, which will gradually dissolve.

Surgery may improve vision but often does not return it to what it was before the retinal wrinkle.

As with any surgery, bleeding, inflammation, recurrence of macular pucker, infection, retinal detachmentand bruises.

Who is at higher risk for wrinkled retinas?

Retinal wrinkles are more likely to occur in older people. A wrinkled retina can also be caused by factors such as eye injury, eye surgery, retinal inflammation, retinal or vitreous detachment or retinal tears.

How long does it take to recover from wrinkled retinas?

After eye surgery, a pad or shield is placed over the eye to protect it. This can be removed the day after surgery. A few weeks after surgery, eye drops are given to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. You will also be instructed when and how to administer it.

Your health care provider may ask you to refrain from activities that can damage your eyes, such as driving, lifting weights, swimming, or flying in an airplane. The inside may feel gritty in the eyes. Full recovery may take several months. If you have persistent pain or worrying side effects, tell your doctor or other health care provider as soon as possible.

What is the prognosis for people with wrinkled retinas?

If you are affected by mild macular pucker, your eyes may get used to the changes over time. However, if the symptoms affect your daily life and vision distortion is present, surgery may be the best option.

Without surgery, there is a risk of severe vision loss and perforation of the macula. Because it affects only the central part of the retina, it does not cause complete blindness.

Are there ways to prevent wrinkled retinas?

There is no way to prevent the development of wrinkled retinas. An annual eye exam can help identify and treat eye problems quickly.


Macular pucker is a rare disease that can cause significant changes in vision but does not lead to complete blindness. In some cases, you may not even need treatment. However, if your vision makes it difficult to perform your daily tasks, get your eyes examined as soon as possible to determine the best course of action. Can you get wrinkles on your retina?

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