Home Lifestyle 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Relocating For a New Job

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Relocating For a New Job


You may have jumped for joy when you first got the call about your new career opportunity, but switching jobs can still be a stressful endeavor, especially if you have to relocate. Add that to not being prepared for your new city, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Here are some mistakes to avoid if you want to start your new life on the right foot. 

Poor planning 

The farther away your new home is, the earlier you should start planning your move. Waiting until the last minute could leave you up a certain famous creek sans a paddle. For example, suppose you need auto transport to Colorado or another neighboring state. Despite your impending move, you wait until two weeks before your relocation to call the car shipping company. In that case, a shipping provider may not be able to service your route on such short notice. Remember, you should contact your movers and auto transportation companies at least a month before your moving date to ensure that everything goes off without a hitch. 

Underestimating relocation expenses

Moving is expensive, even if you take the DIY route and transport your belongings yourself. Once you settle into your new digs, you’ll still have a few startup costs to contend with in your destination city. Make sure you map out all possible expenses and then pad the cost if a relocation package is part of the deal.

Not negotiating your relocation package

A relocation package is an incentive an employer might offer you when asking you to take a job in a different city or state. You can negotiate one just like you would any other aspect of your compensation package. Here’s the 411 on financing your move to a new zip code. 

Research the costs

Solicit estimates for moving costs while considering the mileage between locations. Ensure you also include lodging expenses along the way if you’re driving yourself. Build tax estimates, food and utility prices, and other costs into a transition fee in your relocation agreement. 

Ask for the agreement in writing

If it is part of your compensation package, you need to request it in writing. Email is acceptable, but make sure you map out everything you and your new employer agreed on in the communications. Include estimated dollar amounts as well.

DIY to same money

An old legal adage says the person that represents themself has a fool for a client. The same holds in moving. You risk personal injury and broken or lost belongings if you don’t hire professionals. 

Underestimated the commute

When it comes to commuting, what looks good on paper rarely is. If you underestimate your commute to your new job, you have to disrupt your routine and leave earlier or start your first day five minutes late. Test out the commute before you select a place to live.

You assumed the new home was move-in ready

What a realtor describes as turnkey may not be in practice. It is difficult to glean a sense of the condition of a home from a walk-through tour that lasts at most a half-hour.

Before you close, have the new home inspected and go with the inspector to review the house. Bring a notebook and document anything you or the inspector notices. Make sure you factor necessary repairs into your offer on the home. 

Final Thoughts

Relocating is stressful enough. By following some of the guidance above, you can cut the headaches out of your relocation and focus on celebrating your new career move.