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10 famous actors who got their start on reality TV

There is more than one way to carve out an acting career. Some enter the industry as children, while others slowly build their resumes for commercial jobs and guest spots. But there’s actually a whole other category of actors who started their careers elsewhere: reality TV. You may be surprised to learn that he used to appear on a reality competition show.

It’s no surprise that people who can sing and dance can often act too. Performing arts tend to overlap with each other, so many contestants in singing and dancing competition shows can make the short leap to Hollywood.Moreover, these types of reality shows are much more abundant than those centered on acting (VH1’s scream queens It really seems to be the only notable example).

However, in some cases, the actor in question isn’t doing any kind of performance on TV. big date or guess the price of a car The price is correct. I really don’t know whose career will take off.

Below, learn about 10 currently successful actors who were on reality TV shows before they became famous.From Emma Stone to Jon Hamm, these actors are on their way to stardom It proves that the beginning of the road differs from person to person.

10 famous actors who got their start on reality TV

12 Actors Who Started Out As Extras In Film And TV

All of these famous actors began their on-screen careers with uncredited roles in films and television.

https://screencrush.com/actors-who-did-reality-tv-first/ 10 famous actors who got their start on reality TV

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