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Use Our BNB to SOL Converter to Exchange Coins


BNB is the native cryptocurrency of Binance, the largest crypto exchange in the market, launched in 2018. As of November 2021, about 168 million BNB coins out of the initial max supply of 200 million coins are in circulation. However, Binance aims to reduce this supply by 50%, for which it regularly buys its coins and “burns” them. Currently, 1 BNB coin is worth $552.47, but the price is unstable and can change unpredictably.

SOL is the native cryptocurrency of Solana – an innovative protocol based on the combination of proof-of-history (PoH) and proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithms. Due to its hybrid algorithm, Solana allows validating transactions and executing smart contracts in a short time. Moreover, the protocol has low transaction costs. All these unique features couldn’t go unnoticed by investors.

Currently, 1 SOL coin is worth $239.91. The currency has had an incredible price evolution. Its initial price (as of March 11, 2020) was 0.$957606, and since then, the coin’s value has grown about 250 times.

Use Our Converter to Swap BNB to SOL

Among all cryptocurrency exchange platforms and aggregators in the market, Alligat0r offers the best rates for over 280 coins, including the BNB to SOL convert pair. Alligat0r is an entirely free exchange aggregator where traders can swap coins without registration or verification. Currently, the platform partners with nine crypto exchanges, including LetsExcange, SimpleSwap, and ChangeNOW.

When you choose a pair of coins and initiate the conversion, the system checks exchange rates on the partner platforms and displays the list. You can choose the rate you find more suitable and complete the transaction at that rate.

If you cannot decide which exchange offers the best exchange conditions, check out their rating, customer reviews, and conversion speed. There is no need to check out their sites one by one since Alligat0r displays all the necessary information in one place.

How to Use Alligat0r for Converting Coins

  • For converting crypto pairs with exchange rates that suit you, you should, first of all, visit the aggregator’s website.
  • On the right-hand side of the screen, you can see the converter. Choose the action type – Swap Crypto or Buy/Sell Crypto.
  • Next, pick the exchange rate type – Floating or Fixed.
  • Enter the coin pair – BNB to SOL or other and click the View Offer button.
  • Next, you’ll see all the deals offered by partner exchanges. Choose the one that best fits you and click Exchange.
  • Then you should enter the receiving address for SOL, the refund address for BNB, type an email address and click Proceed to Exchange.
  • Follow the instructions to confirm the transaction.
  • Check your receiving wallet to make sure that you’ve received your SOL coins.

Usually, the conversions are executed quickly, but the speed may differ depending on different factors such as the number of transactions and load of blockchain networks. If the transaction isn’t successful, you’ll receive your BNB coins in your refund wallet.