Home Business & Investment The Remote Work Is A Handcuff for Tracking Performance? Not This Time

The Remote Work Is A Handcuff for Tracking Performance? Not This Time


 The remote working conditions may be a headache for most of the call center’s managers, yet the present-day dictate its own rules. Fortunately, there’re a bunch of ways to maintain successful operation through a virtual contact center.

Virtual Call Centers Beat Records Each Year

 The jittery situation with the restrictions and economy is the main reason why remote work is now a part of companies in the US, UK, and all other developed countries over the globe. According to the proven data and marketing situation, contact center software beat records each year. And owners of small, middle, and enterprise-level know and feel it.

One part of business owners is fueled by the value of the cloud contact center software while others rethink their previous objections about the cloud. Is the remote work great for the business world? Who is the judge?

The customer is the judge of every company, and they appreciate the continuity of delivering the services via phone, chat, social media, email, and more.

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The Only KPIs That Matters

The big and prompt picture you have with tracking the KPI metrics. There are many of them. However, here’re the most valuable:

The first call resolution (FCR). How many calls or contacts do customers wish to have with your company to solve one issue? You already know the answer – one call or contact per issue is enough. Here’s the newest Forbes opinion.

Agents from sales representatives or customer service support teams generate the maximum revenue when customers achieve desirable results within one call.

The average speed of answer (ASA). Time is the most precious value for customers, and everything depends on the speed of the response.

Although you may not adhere to the 80/20 gold standard, when you need to pick up 80% of incoming phone calls within 20 seconds, the faster your agent picks up the phone – the better.

Customers agree with waiting for 40 and 50 seconds before the connection with a live agent, yet more than that will frustrate them.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT). Customers are judges of your contact center performance. To make them maintain strong relationships with you and never make them think about another brand, just follow these two critical rules:

  • Deliver a perceived value to every customer, which means they achieve what they want within a first call or contact.
  • Treat them professionally yet positively at every touchpoint.

    You see, customers are vulnerable on the emotional level as well as on the physical. If the representative is too harsh or doesn’t give a damn about customers, they will rapidly feel it and hesitate to buy in the future.

Abandonment rate. If customers hang up too frequently, the problem is clear. Consider two reasons why for this issue. The first is simple: there are not enough agents in a contact center, and these countless wait times are unacceptable.

The second reason is the practical one. Your agents aren’t picking up the phone fast enough because of personal or technical reasons. However, eliminating personal reasons is a chore beyond endurance, yet technical issues are easy to solve in a blink of an eye.

The Monitoring Of Call Center Performance Is Simple And Reliable

The only proven way to really monitor remote work is to have real-time data. Specifically, for a contact center, data contain info about the number of agents online, current calling activity, the number of calls, call durations, contact outcomes, and more.

Plus, managers wish to observe the current state of each agent. For example, monitor login in – logging out times, call duration, ready and not-ready times, contact transfers, and everything in between.

If planning, enabling, and changing of contact center’s activity shows up on the manager’s and supervisor’s screen. The presentation describes the big picture and every agent clearly and easy-to-read fashion.

Look For Accessible In Any Location And Secure Technology?

On-premise technology works in an office-based environment and depends on the location. And the cloud is workable in any place with wired and fast internet. Choosing between them is up to you but make sure your work is consistent, even 24 hours a day, if necessary.

Now, the technology must be secure from internal and external penetrating and bypassing. One of the three respondents among contact center owners claimed they wish to see the highest level of security in their cloud’s centers.

The Deep Analytics Will Help You Control Everything

Every touchpoint with a customer is traced and accurately noticed in the reporting section. Whether agents claim they’re performing on calls or not, you see it by your own eyes in a real-time or historical fashion.

The analytics give you access to the daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly data that you can see at any moment.

Frankly, the advanced analytical systems work so well and unconditionally accurately that when managers present evidence to agents, those are surprised by the data.

It’s because of the analytical system that reflects the natural performance, whether it’s liked or disliked. Deep analytics aims at streamlining the remote call center calls and contacts, so agents just observe the data within a few clicks.

Call Recording As You Are A Third Party Person Connected To The Call

The quality of call recorded sound is ambient and makes you feel you are currently a third-party person connected to the call. They also have time and date marks. Thus managers find the relevant audio files for evaluation or mentoring purposes fast and effortlessly.

Do You Still Mentor Agents Personally?

These days, there’s no need to stand in front of agents to raise their skills. Remote tools will handle this job better than ever and save hefty time chunks. Managers have access to conversations with agents at the speed of the internet.

It’s easy to mentor all employees through voice or non-voice channels. Moreover, if you wish, use the remote quality assurance tools, even in offline mode. Scorecards will help to notice each conversation with precise data and time marks. For mentoring purposes, managers add audio files and comment conversations.

Now Contact Managers Aren’t Chained To Certain Location

The necessity to present in a certain location is not the case anymore. And the Voiptime Contact Center solution is one of these tools that already furnished small and mid-sized businesses to maintain calling activity no matter what.

The option to bring your own carrier (BYOC) is also valuable.

Frankly, our expertise in the contact center industry proved the capacity of our team to satisfy every request on a proposal (RFP) of the contact center managers.

For now, we have a lot of time to furnish every manager with cloud-based call center software. However, experts claim that remote contact centers are too popular. And we never know when our workload could skyrocket to satisfy every demand of customers quickly.

We wish to promptly service every customer, especially when they are in a hurry. That’s why if you previously considered the cloud call center, don’t wait for anymore and contact us now.