The relationship between sugar and children’s behavior
Is there a link between sugar and child behavior? Before we delve into it, understand that a perfectly balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals is important during your child’s growing years. This is ongoing research into whether food intake is truly related to children’s behavior and mood. Below are the effects of healthy and unhealthy eating habits on children’s mood and behavior .
healthy eating habits (including a balanced diet)
| unhealthy diet (including eating foods high in sugar, foods with preservatives, and foods with colorings)
We tend to associate the word “children” with things like chocolate, ice cream, candies, and cakes.The basic ingredients of these items are sugar!
Nutrition-Related Sugar and Children’s Behavior
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is easily absorbed into blood sugar. Sugar is a zero calorie food. That is, it has no nutrients and only provides energy.
Sugar comes in many forms, including white sugar, brown sugar, honey, and corn syrup. It’s a myth that jaggery, honey, and brown sugar are better for you than white sugar. The calories you get from them are the same. The only difference is that white sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream faster than other sources.
Fruit naturally contains fructose and fiber, which makes you feel full and is rich in water, vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, cola and sugar candies contain only fructose syrup, disrupting the brain’s satiety signals and making the child feel hungry again.
sugar hidden in food
Hidden sugar is defined as sugar that does not appear with the word sugar on the ingredient list on the food packet, but contains sugar labeled by other names such as glucose, dextrin, corn syrup, and malted barley. means.
Consuming more than you need each day, sugar affects different parts of your body and mind.
- Tooth (tooth cavity): Bacteria live on sugar media. If you can’t brush your teeth well or don’t drink water after meals, bacteria will grow more easily, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.
- brain: Your ability to remember things decreases because your brain doesn’t get the amount of nutrients it needs to function.
- action: Sugar paralyzes neurons in the brain, making children’s attention spans shorter and hyperactive.
- immunity: I have a constant cold and cough, and I can’t sleep at night.
- metabolism: Children are at higher risk of becoming obese and at higher risk of developing long-term illnesses such as diabetes.
- hormone: Because you are in the growth stage, you are more likely to develop hormonal problems such as acne, early onset of puberty, dandruff, skin problems, and failure to thrive.
- Earthworm: If you eat a lot of sugar, bacteria will grow and threadworms will occur.
How to Minimize Your Sugar Dependence
- As parents, we need to change our attitude of rewarding our children with sugar-rich foods every time they complete a task or exhibit good behavior.
- Fix snack days, like once a week or once every two weeks, where you can eat your favorite chocolate, cake, or candy only on those days
- Substitute ready-to-drink fruit drinks with homemade smoothies or freshly made pulp juices
- Train them to choose healthy items such as high-fiber biscuits instead of cream-based biscuits.
- Prepare and store desserts with less sugar at home.This minimizes the chances of buying from the shop
- Change gradually, one habit at a time. Don’t insist on changing all your habits at once.
How to promote a healthy diet
- It teaches all food groups including vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes and dairy products. Draw it on paper or show it real food. Let them choose what they want to eat that day. This way you can plan 2-3 days in advance.
- An unhealthy diet usually leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.So consult a doctor Start appropriate supplements.
- Fill your Tiffin Box with irresistible snack ideas such as veggie-filled rolls, colorful sandwiches, pureed spinach idli, or tricolor idli.
- Remember, the negative effects of an unhealthy diet are not immediate. It’s a long term result. However, when a child’s health is compromised by headaches, asthma, and colds/coughs, adverse effects can be seen in the short term.
Another important factor is intolerance to certain foods such as dairy (casein) and gluten (wheat). Common food allergens such as soybeans, peanuts, corn, and tree nuts also negatively affect a child’s behavior.
We recommend reading the food package label before purchasing. Be aware of what you and your child are consuming. If in doubt, consult your doctor or nutritionist.
We hope this article on sugar and child behavior has helped you make smarter nutritional choices for your child. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. For more information on Kids Health, visit click hereFor expert advice, subscribe and talk to a GOQii coach personalized health coaching.
#BeTheForce The relationship between sugar and children’s behavior