Several contestants on Netflix’s reality show The Squid Game: The Challenge reportedly required medical assistance on the first day of filming in the UK after temperatures hit below freezing.
according to variety, The player was among 456 contestants who participated in the Red Light Green Light round – Popular start & stop kids game – In a former aircraft hangar in north London, temperatures hit 0 degrees Celsius on Monday.
British tabloid newspaper Sun spoke to multiple players who revealed the cold and harsh reality of playing games in freezing conditions. “Some people were so cold they couldn’t move their legs,” said one source. “I heard someone yelling ‘Medic’ and the crew rushed in.”
Netflix recruited participants from all over the world, so it’s possible that some were less used to the cold than others. However, he had fewer than five players requiring medical attention, and all were believed to have been treated for minor accidental injuries or minor illnesses.
In a statement shared with Variety, a Netflix spokesperson said: So — the serious injury claim is not true. “
of Unscripted game show features a series of challenges Inspired by the original show and “amazing new additions,” players can form alliances and develop their own strategies for the chance to win a huge $4.56 million prize pool.
The reality show is one of the ongoing Squid Games projects.have plans for A satirical comedy about the creation of the squid game unprecedented popularity and A possible third season for the flagship show To Continues from Season 2 and expands the universe even further.
Adele Ankers-Range is a freelance entertainment writer at IGN. Follow her on Twitter. Squid Game Contestant Already Injured On Netflix Reality Show