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Saints Row November patch includes over 200 bug fixes and upgrades

A few months after launch, Saints Row developer Volition began prioritizing fixes over new content in the near future. Saints Row had a rough launch in August.This is marred by a number of bugs that have crept into the final game, perhaps Mixed reception Received from critics and fans.

“We’ve been supporting Saints Row for a long time and wanted to talk about roadmaps and expansions, but now we have to focus on communicating how we can improve the Saints Row experience. We feel that all players from 2022 onwards” the will wrote in a statement. “There is still a lot to do. Right now, our development priority is to deliver new feature improvements.”

Playing: Saints Row video review

Volition is due for its next major update in November with over 200 bug fixes and quality of life upgrades. The developer added that while working on implementing “bigger and better improvements” based on fan feedback, this update will “focus specifically on challenges, overall stability and cooperation.” rice field.

Saints Row will receive some new content in 2022 in the form of a free cosmetic pack that turns your character into a walking fashion criminal. More cosmetic packs will be released throughout the year, and some of these drops are exclusive to Saints Row Season Pass members.

“Although Saints Row stands apart from the bombshell of the past few entries, it still feels very similar to games of its time, leading to an experience that often feels old and outdated.” , Richard Wakeling wrote in a GameSpot article. saints row review.

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