Star of Shah Rukh Khan pattern It was released last week, January 25th, to great response from the audience. Directed by Siddharth his Anand, the film has been released to his 8,000 screens worldwide and has been well received by critics. thanks to this, pattern It opened on a high note and continued to see business stabilize over the five extended weekends.
In the UAE/GCC overseas market pattern Similarly, it started high at AED 5.88 million. [Rs. 13.05 cr.] Following this, Shah Rukh Khan’s stirrer saw business stabilize at AED 5.77 million. [Rs. 12.80 cr.]AED 7.19 million [Rs. 15.95 cr.]and AED 6.24 million [Rs. 13.84 cr.] They will appear on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days, respectively.Currently running day 5 pattern We were able to withdraw another 4.04 million AED [Rs. 8.96 cr.]. This allows the total collection pattern At the end of the opening weekend in the UAE/GCC market, it was pegged at a whopping 29.06 million AED. [Rs. 64.49 cr.].
at present, pattern It continues to grow tremendously at the box office, and in future transaction forecasts, pattern You can see the growth with each passing day. In fact, the estimate states: pattern It could easily emerge as one of the best first week grosses on the market.
Overview of Pattern UAE/GCC Box Office:
First day: 5.88 million dirhams [Rs. 13.05 cr]
the 2nd day: 5.77 million dirhams [Rs. 12.80 cr]
Third day: 7.19 million dirhams [Rs. 15.95 cr]
Day 4: 6.24 million dirhams [Rs. 13.84 cr]
Day 5: 4.04 million dirhams [Rs. 8.96 cr]
Other pages: Pattern Box Office Collection , pattern movie reviews
Now loading… Pattern International Box Office: Shah Rukh Khan star collects AED 29.06 mil.First Weekend in UAE/GCC: Bollywood Box Office