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Mango: To eat or not to eat!

Worried that eating mangoes will make you gain weight? Even the largest mango will have less than 110 calories. Mangoes don’t make you fat. A 100-gram mango contains 75 calories, and larger mangoes contain about 107-130 calories, depending on the size.

Eating one medium-sized mango is perfectly fine, as long as you follow my rule of thumb of eating a couple of nuts immediately after the fruit (since the simple sugars in the fruit can spike your blood sugar). to prevent it from rising). The fiber in nuts stabilizes the effect).

Mango has many health benefits

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine and some minerals.
  • Anticancer properties: It is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber called pectin. Scientists have identified a strong link between eating lots of fiber and a lower risk of gastrointestinal cancer. One cup (about 165 grams) of sliced ​​mango provides 76 percent of your daily intake of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage and reduces cancer risk. contained.
  • eye health: Rich in vitamin A, which promotes eye health and prevents dry eyes.
  • digestion: Contains enzymes that aid in protein metabolism and digestion. Fruits are also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
  • acne and skin: Apply mango pulp on face to cure acne and soothe skin. It is an essential ingredient in many cosmetics and creams as it improves skin tone.
  • Rich in Vitamin E: Contains vitamin E, which regulates sex hormones and increases libido.
  • Improve memory and concentration: Mango is best for children. Consume mangoes during breakfast or while studying for exams as they can improve concentration and memory.
  • gain weight: Mango blended with whole milk and dates to help you gain weight
  • for diabetics: Although it contains a lot of sugar, it can be given to people with diabetes in moderate amounts. Eating it with high-fiber foods such as oats and muesli (chopped mango and added to oats, porridge, or muesli) regulates blood sugar. Mango is a low GI food, so there is no adverse effect if you do not mistake the timing and amount of eating.

If you’re watching your weight, eat one mango a day, or share a large mango. If he eats two mangoes a day (moderation is important), eat other low-sugar fruits such as bananas, berries, and oranges that day, as well as fibrous foods. Combining mango and sugar in things like shakes and smoothies puts your weight and blood sugar at risk. Therefore, eat the fruit in its natural form and whole.

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post Mango: To eat or not to eat! first appeared in GOQii.

https://goqii.com/blog/mangoes-to-eat-or-not/ Mango: To eat or not to eat!

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