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How to paint plywood?


Before painting the plywood sheets, it is important to understand some basics about this cost-effective and versatile type of sheet material. Plywood sheets are widely chosen and predominantly used in the private construction sector in a wall, ceiling flooring applications as well as in the exterior of buildings and packaging applications. Plywood provides excellent heat insulation and sound properties with beautiful natural wood patterns that present exceptional interior design creating a cosy and unique home environment. If you are ever in need of high-quality plywood supply check MGN Builders Merchants their selection of exceptional quality plywood supply is very wide including WBP exterior plywood, shuttering plywood, birch plywood and marine plywood. They also have a wide range of building materials that will fulfil the requirement of any construction project just check them out at https://www.mgnbm.co.uk/.

The process of painting plywood boards is the same as if you were painting ordinary wooden boards or any other wood-based surface. Before you can benefit from the beautiful interior, you need to go through a few steps:

Preparation of the workplace

It is important to wrap and cover all the furniture, floors and any other things to limit accidental damage to them with paint. The masking tape could be a good way of protecting the places that are not meant to be painted.

  1. Drying process

If the material has already been used like walls, floors, or ceiling for at least a week there is no need to dry it purposely. In case when plywood was delivered from the warehouse it is advisable to dry it before painting. During the drying process, the plywood sheets are placed on a flat surface desirably in the same room where the board is intended to be fitted for a day in the situation when the temperature is greater than for a week.

  1. Sanding

The boards must be sanded with sandpaper 80 – 120 across the direction of the grain of the face veneer layer, this method ensures the removal of small irregularities by optimally smoothing them.

  1. Pre priming the surface

After the sanding process, it is advisable to treat the sheets with an acrylic primer that will penetrate deep into the pores of the wood providing the boards with greater density additional protection against humidity. The primer prevents wood rot, by providing antibacterial and disinfecting features.

  1. Elimination of defects – puttying

The next stage in such is puttying. There are four main types of putty for working with wood, such as plaster putty, cement putty, polymer mixtures so you will have to choose one that will fit your budget and project requirements.

Plywood painting

  1. Paint type. For interior work, it is preferable to use water-based paint. As the name implies, water is used as a solvent, so the water-based paint is odourless, durable and harmless to health. Plywood is painted outside with pent phthalic enamel. The enamel is easy to use, has high strength, dries quickly. The sharp specific smell of the solvent can be ignored – the work is carried out mainly in the open air.
  2. Tool selection: there are three predominantly used tools, spray, brush and roller.
  3. Bring the paint to the required consistency – dilute the water-based paint with plain water, and the enamel with a solvent, white spirit.
  4. With a brush go through the hard-to-reach areas first (hard-to-reach for the roller) – corners, adjoining the wall to the ceiling and to the floor, depending on what we paint.
  5. Pour some of the paint into a special container – a cuvette. Roll out the roller over the cuvette so that the paint is evenly distributed over the “fur coat”.
  6. Apply paint to the surface and distribute it evenly, alternating the direction of roller movement. If the wall is painted, then the horizontal direction of movement should alternate with the vertical one and vice versa.
  7. Let the paint dry off completely.