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Get your groove back in Paradise

A nervous and depressed French divorcee reunites with his impatient teenage best friend on a revealing journey through paradise. 2 tickets to Greece A reminder that getting back in shape is never easy. Life always hurts, rejects and disappoints in the most brutal ways. Sometimes we need help getting out of our comfort zone and finding new paths to happiness. It’s hard at first, but once you loosen your guard it works wonders. Writer-director Marc Fitussi imbues his drama with quirky realism and solemn truths, a refreshingly honest comedy.

In 1989, 15-year-old Brandine Bouvier (Lillelou Laridan) sneaks into the home of Magalie Graurière (Marie Maria). Girls make martinis, listen to CDs and dream of fancy vacations.Luc Besson’s big blue is their favorite movie. The two vow to travel to the Greek island of Amorgos, but are yelled at by Brandin’s furious parents when they pass out after getting drunk.

Thirty years later, Brandine (Olivia Court) struggles to move out of her apartment. Her husband had an affair and after her divorce she proposed to a much younger woman. She was disgusted to have received an invitation to his wedding. Her 20-year-old son, Benji (Alexandre Delsaux), is deeply concerned. He has his move coming up and worries about his mother’s mental health. While Benji is packing in the garage, he finds an old music collection and notes.

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On the way to dinner, Benji confesses to a lie, much to Brandeen’s dismay. He finds Magary (Laure Calamy) on Facebook and arranges a blind date. Brandine remembers exactly what Magary did to end her friendship. She was surprised when at her table the feisty Magalie hugged her dearly. A polite and neat X-ray technician is upset by a wild freelance music journalist. The story of Ms Magary’s violent escapades with her bisexual boyfriend and the fact that she can’t pay for her meals is disconcerting. When Brandine sees the tag on Magary’s shirt, her anxiety grows. She was mischievous and admitted that once she wore her clothes she returned them.

Brandine then ignores repeated calls and emails from Magary. She thinks the woman is a sex-obsessed freeload. Brandine hopes her long-planned trip to Greece with Benji will bring her much-needed joy. He drops bomb news. Benji couldn’t go with her mother and gave her a ticket to Magary.

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Fitussi (Paris Follies, call your agent!) builds characters with small details that remain relevant throughout the film. Brandine, a germaphobe, keeps her diary and scrapbook of her mementos. Magalie has an iPod filled with disco and new wave hits. She conducts all social gatherings with music. This makes Brandine’s daylight uncomfortable at first, but then reminds them of their childhood.a great scene with them dancing I change to myself when I was young in the same environment. The women have become estranged and markedly different, but deep down they are still connected.

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There is a problem that they miss the ferry to Amorgos Island because of Magalie’s plot. They reach the half-inhabited Keros and embark on a labyrinthine adventure to get back on track. These deviations infuriate Brandine, who has spent a lot of money and meticulously planned a vacation. Women stop minutiae and start working on the fundamental differences in their personalities. Magary is fed up with Brandine’s negativity and pessimism. To her, Brandin is a total nuisance and she has no right to disrespect her.

In the second act, the plot is further enhanced by the appearance of another main character.kristin scott thomas almost off topic Bijou is Magary’s old friend who lives in Mykonos with his artist lover Dimitris (Panos Coronis). Dimitris, who speaks Greek and English, has a funny joke about having no idea what the women are talking about in French. Their dastardly companions ignore his radar, but establish Bijou as more than just a clone of Magary. She shares a voracious sexual appetite, but she’s dealing with a tragic situation. The film takes an unexpectedly serious turn as Brandine learns Bijou’s secret.

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2 tickets to Greece Hedonism has a sense of maturity. There’s a lot of frontal nudity, marijuana use, and sexual talk, but it’s not juvenile or flatboy. Magary and Bijou are not shy about their physical needs. They are not afraid to act aggressively to ensure male fulfillment. Meanwhile, the reserved Brandine is clearly uncomfortable with expressing her carnal desires. She is playfully teased as an arrogant, and she is horrified when kicked off her bench and returned to a game of horizontal tango. Fitussi gets top marks for keeping her stance in line with her Brandine character. The differences between her, Magary, and Bijou stir up controversy with a surprising climax.

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A Greek adventure around the islands is truly beautiful. Marvel at the pristine, sun-drenched hills that gently wind down to crystal-blue beaches. The climactic boat trip to Amorgos is a dazzling affair. Fitussi strives to avoid well-known tourist destinations. Ten seconds after watching the movie, he wanted to book a flight.

2 tickets to Greece Better than recent films in this genre. Never be vulgar or demeaning in a pretentious way. Brandin, Magary and Bijou are completely believable. Brandine represents what happens when anger and bitterness take hold. Being treated like mud doesn’t mean you have to stay in it forever.Protagonist grows up to understand value of friendship and caring. There is much more to see in Magalie than it looks. The last scene brings a big smile.

2 tickets to Greeceoriginally Cyclades Islands, with French dialogue and English subtitles. Produced by Avenue B, Vito Films and Canal+, it hits theaters July 14th. greenwich entertainment.

https://movieweb.com/two-tickets-to-greece-review/ Get your groove back in Paradise

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