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Factors to consider for better performance


Being perpetually busy does not mean being productive! Improving personal effectiveness is one of the first tasks a young leader must face. Let’s look for a simple recipe to see where to start.

In the age of the information tsunami, people believe that their attempts to process the flood of information that has descended upon them is real business life. If you find some free time, you can play roulette online or read a book. But it should not distract you from your work.

Lots of tasks, lots of incoming requests, different emails that need to be read, stacks of books purchased at the recommendation of a Facebook friend.

What is the difference between busy and productive?

Personal productivity is the ratio of the result obtained to the effort invested. The person who achieves the maximum effect from the minimum effort invested is considered productive.

You may be feeling tired, exhausted, and why? Because most of your effort goes not into the result but into responding to stimuli: in the office, outside the office, in social networks, here and there.

A productive state comes with calmness, focus, and focus. You control the situation, and you move step by step toward completing the task. By the end of the day, when you summarize the results, you realize that you have “closed” the planned tasks.

Busyness is a state where you grasp first one thing, then another.

After a conversation to collect your thoughts, you open your Facebook feed, see photos of friends who are vacationing at sea, and begin to flip through their photo albums. After 30 minutes, you realize that the day’s work will soon come to an end, and you again have nothing to do.

Panic, heart-pounding, you keep comparing tasks in your head and go home in a frustrated mood, and then you can not sleep for a long time and tomorrow “broken” again go to work.

Computers, tablets, and smartphones – these tools help only productive people to solve problems, but for “busy” people, they only harm, taking away precious time.

Productivity Tips

Whatever you do, these three tips will help you strengthen your effectiveness!

  • Get into the habit of making a list of tasks for the day—nothing fancy – just a list of functions from the highest priority to the lowest. The length of the to-do list is far from an indicator of a person’s productivity. Write down 2-3 significant tasks, the most important ones, and do them.
  • Don’t breed a “swarm” of tasks. Learn to set yourself one charge per 1 unit of time. There is nothing good about multitasking! Concentrating on a single task always yields the best results. Focus is what’s important. By focusing, you produce more.
  • Get yourself a productivity journal. A productivity journal will help you systematize your actions. Day by day, week by week. This journal will make you a master of productivity. You will set goals, prioritize and achieve! The list of important completed tasks shows your personal growth. You won’t notice the hustle and bustle go away yourself. Busyness will translate into productivity.

Skills to look for

To become the most productive, you should pay attention to these factors. Productivity is not always about time management. Health and extraneous tools are what can help.


Take every opportunity to automate many processes in your daily activities to avoid wasting your energy and time on unimportant tasks. For example, to spend less time and effort on cleaning, you can buy a robot vacuum cleaner, and payment of bills can be made automatically, and there are many such things.


Improve daily – this will help you get things done faster and empower you.

Working on your fears

It is worth working on your fears and phobias because they hinder a person from achieving high results and reduce efficiency. Fear paralyzes, slowing the person from moving forward, destroying faith in success. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of fear, and it is one of the most senseless feelings.

Do not procrastinate

If you have a terrible procrastination habit, you must urgently do something about it. Procrastination is one of the most potent enemies of efficiency and success.


Maximum efficiency can be only those people who are also fully rested. If even on weekends you cannot get rid of thoughts about work or call your firm to find out how they are doing without you, you will not achieve great results and very quickly lose any desire for success. So, use one of the keys to maximum efficiency: to get plenty of rest. And this post will tell you about the possibilities of a profitable vacation.


It is worth realizing that you cannot be maximally concentrated for a long time, so it is worth breaking up your daily activities into small parts. Work a small time interval, then rest for a while, and that way, you can be at the peak of your productivity.


One of the qualities of efficient people is enthusiasm – they do everything with fire in their eyes, passion, and an unbridled desire to succeed. If you don’t feel passionate about your work, you may be wondering whether it’s what you do.


What you plan will guide you and increase your effectiveness. Without a plan to achieve the goal, you’ll make a lot of unnecessary, chaotic movements and thereby delay the result.

Working time

Each person has a time when he can do more than usual. For example, some people have it in the morning, while others, on the contrary, have their maximum performance in the afternoon. The idea is to observe yourself for a while, calculate the period of maximum efficiency, and use it to do the most challenging and labor-intensive tasks.

Taking Care of Your Health

Keep an eye on your health – the efficiency of your life depends on the condition of your body and your nutrition. Therefore, do not spare time and money for treatment. Forget about painkillers and anti-symptomatic drugs; you should eliminate the causes, not the consequences.


Sleep is necessary for our body to restore energy and all cells. If you don’t give it enough time, you will be deprived of power and often get sick. A person without energy is also ill and unlikely to perform well.

Do not get distracted

Eliminate all distractions for the duration of your activity. These may be social networks, phones, and even people close to you. For example, if you are working, it’s worth letting everyone know that you can’t be touched during this time.

Peace of mind

It would be best if you were effective. So if you do not understand what and where and lie on your desk, what is happening around you, and in your head playing verses from popular songs, it’s time to stop and start a general cleaning of your life.


Stress is another serious obstacle to developing peak performance, and that’s why it’s worth learning how to deal with it. When you are under a lot of stress, you lose control of the situation and find it difficult to concentrate. In moments of high stress, your brain works at minus one percent.


A clear understanding of your priorities will be a serious help in your work. You will make a daily plan, understanding what is more important, what is urgent, and what you may not do at all. That way, you can streamline your activities and avoid unnecessary activities that make you less effective.