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Exclusive – Magic: The Gathering Gets A Demonic Space Marine With Big Dreams

We’re back with another exclusive look at Magic: The Gathering. This time it’s a card from one of his in the upcoming Warhammer 40,000 Commander Precon. aspiring champion.

Aspiring Champion is a 4-mana 3/3 Astartes Warrior with Menace, and while it’s not the most impressive creature in the world, its ability (flavorfully titled “Ruinous Ascension”) can help you find it. When it hits your opponent, you sacrifice a wannabe champion, flip cards from the top of your deck until you find another creature, then put that creature directly onto the battlefield and place it in its place. to place.

https://www.ign.com/articles/warhammer-40000-magic-the-gathering-card-spoiler Exclusive – Magic: The Gathering Gets A Demonic Space Marine With Big Dreams

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