The British Film Institute has announced a new 10-year plan aimed at “supporting film and video”, including video games.
a new initiative entitled screen culture 2033“Defending the values of screen culture as a whole, including video games and interactive works”.
The BFI describes screen culture as “young, dynamic and expanding” and “presents a broader screen landscape that includes film, television, digital media, augmented reality (XR) and video games”. “Screen culture has become a major vehicle for cinema,” he said. Communication, Information, and Storytelling for Generation Z and Beyond”.
Among other pledges, the BFI said it would set up a £3.2m BFI National Lottery International Connections Fund to support British screen professionals, the international market initiative We Are UK Film. , animation, documentaries and industry professionals around the world”.
“Screen Culture 2033 will explore how the BFI will transform public access to its programs and collections over the next decade, and how it will use its leadership role and National Lottery funds to bring benefits to the UK as a whole. It shows us how to build a screen sector that will bring the NME).
“Most of us experience or contribute to screen culture in our daily lives through film, television, online video, augmented reality and video games,” said BFI CEO. Ben Roberts says. “It informs and defines us and continues to grow as an art form and creative industry.
“At Screen Culture 2033, we want to transform the way people access our programs, value screen culture and get skills and jobs across the UK.” BFI announces 10-year plan aimed at “supporting videos” including games