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10 Pro Tips to Go Viral On Twitter


How To Go Viral On Twitter?

Originally an SMS text-based platform, Twitter has come a long way since its inception. Today, users can still only write short messages to their followers, but now they can include images, videos and voice messages on top of the text. Despite being one of the oldest social media platforms, it’s still one of the most popular, with users growing by the day and traffic increasing regularly.

It makes sense that going viral on Twitter is good for business, and you may be surprised by how easily your tweet can take off with a little imagination. Going viral on Twitter means that your tweet becomes a hit almost overnight, gaining likes, retweets and comments from a range of users beyond your follower count.

It can give you website traffic, sales and business success. 3% of users on the platform recommend products under their viral tweets as well, giving brands almost always a 50% increase in purchases. In this article, we discuss how to go viral on Twitter with simple and easy to understand steps.

What is Considered Viral on Twitter?

Tweets of any nature can go viral on Twitter for a number of reasons. In general terms, a viral tweet is when a users post is shared by a large number of people very quickly. The post could be about raising awareness, a cute picture of a puppy, or simply a funny joke.

While there are no rules, per se, to creating a viral tweet, there are some ways you can increase your chances of going viral. With the likes of Instagram and TikTok making big moves when it comes to marketing, Twitter can sometimes be overlooked, with many tweets making it viral without much intervention, so it’s a great site to opt-in for when it comes to organising your marketing campaign.

 How to Make a Tweet Go Viral on Twitter??

Below are some of our tried and tested methods to create that perfect viral tweet on Twitter. By following these tips, you’re sure to have a viral success on your hands in no time. Remember, tweets can go viral for many reasons, but the main way to get viral success is through Twitter users that boost and share your content with their own followers.

 1)Be Different and Unique

10 Pro Tips to Go Viral On Twitter

The best way to gain authentic followers on Twitter is to be different and unique. Don’t just follow what everyone else is doing. Aim to create content that inspires or makes people laugh, this is a key element to making a post popular, and hopefully viral. 

2) Inject Some Humor

Twitter has always been a social media platform with the ability to make fun of itself. Many users tend to be open and honest with their views, and their jokes tend to be extremely relatable and funny to their followers. Creating relatable and funny content is a step closer to creating a viral tweet. 

3) Tweet About Trending News

Tweeting about trending topics and news and including specific hashtags is a way of being seen by followers beyond the ones you have. Utilizing this gives you more opportunity to gain popularity, which is ideal if you’re wondering how to go viral on Twitter.

4) Host a Giveaway

Giveaways entice followers and those who don’t follow you to interact with your tweet. Having the gift be of value and the terms be to like and share the tweet is a match made in heaven for a tweet that will go viral in no time.

5) Ask for Retweets

10 Pro Tips to Go Viral On Twitter

Ask and you shall receive. This tends to work if you need help with a project or if you’re looking to raise awareness.

6) Make Your Tweets Perfectly Timed

Sometimes, creating that viral tweet means carefully looking at when the platform is the busiest. As a general rule, evenings and late evenings tend to be popular times for Twitter users, so tweets posted later on in the evening tend to do better overall.

If you’re looking to go viral fast, post later rather than earlier in the day. The right tweet timing can do you a world of good, so be sure that you’re posting at the right times.

7) Use Hashtags to Go Viral

Similar to trending news, popular hashtags are another way to go viral on Twitter. Peruse the trending section to see the variety of hashtags you can use to push your service or product.

8) Tell Your Personal Story

Honesty is the best policy, and that’s extremely true when it comes to Twitter. A lot of users on the platform don’t enjoy Instagram thanks to its influencer culture, but Twitter counteracts this with heartfelt and genuine tweets from real people. Try and factor this in when pursuing that viral hit.

9) Build an Authentic Following

If you follow the above tip, you’re sure to have an authentic following in no time. Authentic followers are those that are genuinely interested in your content and engage where possible.

However, gaining authentic followers can be tough, especially as it’s time-consuming. One way to gain authentic followers in the fastest way possible is to buy Twitter followers from Media Mister. They’ve delivered thousands of orders for their customers, and aim to boost your social media presence in no time at all.

10) Interact with Influential People

Interacting with popular accounts, especially by commenting, puts you in front of their followers, which in turn gives you a chance to gain popularity yourself.

Overall, going viral on Twitter using a combination of the tips above should have you growing in popularity and growing your brand in no time.